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The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:06 pm

Come one, come all, to that little thread reserved for those lucky few that know how to make melodies from a few strings and some wood! Dedicated to discussing certain stringed instruments and helping newbs along their way, all who know how to play at least one of the instruments below at any skill level must join!

Accepted instruments:
Bass Guitar
Pedal Steel
Anything else similar to the above instruments that I haven't mentioned
Any variants of the above
Last edited by Veck on Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:11 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:13 pm

Dobro/resonator, mandola and bouzouki should be added to the list. But ukulele removed because it's not a proper instrument, unless you're Hawaiian.

Anyway, I'll get the train sets out the way in my first post in this thread:


Ibanez AFS77 hollowbody (main guitar)
Epiphone Les Paul (for those about to rock)
Takamine EG320 acoustic
Moondog 'Howlin' resonator
Clearwater electric mandolin/Mandocaster thingy


On the chain at the moment - TC Electronic PolyTune -> Digitech Bad Monkey -> Devi Ever Disaster Fuzz (for n0i53) -> Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy -> Line6 DL-4 -> Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail
Also lying around - Electro Harmonix Small Stone, Boss DD-3, Line6 RotoMachine, Meridian volume pedal


Fender Champion 600
Vox AD50VT (currently in the shed awaiting repair, which would involve me finding my soldering iron, which is also somewhere in the shed)
Line6 Pocket Pod Express (for gigs where I can't be bothered to cart the Fender halfway across Brighton via two buses)

Stuff I play: Post-rock, indie, strummy folk, blues/rock (mainly involving slide) but I am never pretentious enough to try and mix them all together. On mandolin I have been reduced to working out English folk tunes then trying to actually play the damn things.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:13 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:18 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:02 pm

I used to play acoustic guitar and acoustic bass to a reasonable standard, but not for years now. Plus I guess my flute experience disqualifies me from this thread.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:04 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:08 pm

So now that you've successfully spammed this thread shall we get back on topic?

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:13 pm

Play nice R, you have done much worse in the past if I'm not mistaken.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:18 pm

Well, I may as well post my guitars:
-Unbranded small acoustic, around the size of a Martin 00-21. Haven't played it in years.
-Unbranded classical guitar. Lower E string broken, can't be bothered to replace it.
-Taylor Pallet Guitar (unknown model, year). Very lucky of me to have found this for sale at the grand price of £60 at a car boot. It makes a good sound, and is currently my favourite guitar. The only one I've managed to get perfect intonation on.
-Squier Stratocaster. My first guitar. Still has its uses even now, but I don't play it much.

One day I hope to get my paws on a vintage Telecaster, and maybe a PRS hollowbody, mostly for the looks on that one. If I'm lucky, I'll get a nice Marshall amp to really make some noise, and an Orange for that awesome sound they seem to make. For a Bass, I would like something like a Jazzmaster bass, preferably vintage.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:50 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:56 pm

As with pretty much everything Fender, I'd like a vintage in front of that amp. They just have the most charming looking products ever.

One day I'm hoping I'll get a Pedal Steel. Mostly because I can learn some of the Spongebob Squarepants songs on it.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:43 am

I'm unsure if I'm allowed to join this.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:08 am

Well, if you can play a guitar type of instrument I'm sure you will be fine.

As for myself, I have been trying to learn using some old acoustic guitar with burn marks and knife gauges out of it... one day Johnny Marr will cry with envy.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:32 am

I had four guitar lessons so far. I assume I qualify. I shall now try to gain control of the guild by over throwing you...

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:01 am

I don't have a bounty on my head, and I play a bit of guitar, double bass, and cello. So I wish to join the guild. :)
Gear: (if you could call it that)
Squire Stratocaster- my first guitar(broken)
Gibson Maestro(go on and laugh)- a guitar I bought from a friend because my strat broke. Its the rusty iron of guitars, but I think I make it sound pretty nice though :wink:
some epiphone "classical" guitar
Delta lab dd1 digital delay pedal
Digitech/Hardwire sc-2 valve distortion
15w Fender Frontman (pathetic I know lol) my first and only amp atm
As for what I play: I play punk, emo(the rites of spring variety), progressive metal, flamenco, jazz, blues, and post-hardcore. Also, I tend to write music that sounds like spacey, melodic post-hardcore, with a slight progressive, jazzy feel to it..

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:21 am

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:36 am

@Savilus An axe is a nickname for a guitar.

@I_am_one & Newsound Yeah sure, you can join no matter how good you are.

@Drethelis What do you play?

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:42 am

Instruments Played:
Bass Guitar
Electric Guitar

Bass Guitars:
Fender Jazz Bass Roadworn (My dad's but he never uses it :P)
And then there's a bass that my dad is buying me...

Electric Guitars:
Ephiphone Les Paul Junior

Ashdown Enginerring Cabinet and Head (Forgot model numbers)
Marshall Cabinet (Forgot Model Number again...)
Music I listen to:
Rock, Alternative, Metal, Blues, Techno and then a tiny bit of Rap

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:38 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:12 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:03 pm

1st: Epiphone G-3100 SG
2nd: Jasmine Steel String Acoustic
3rd: Ibanez G8X30 (with a note worthy green finish)

Guitar-->Boss ML-2 Metal Core-->Boss GE-7 Equalizer-->Dunlop "Crybaby" Wah Classic-->Amp
Also have a Boss DD-7 currently not in use.

Line 6 Spider III 120 W
Berhinger V-Tone GM108 15W

Stuff I play: Symphonic Metal, Power Metal, Neo Classical, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Folk Metal, Progressive Metal, occasionally some Thrash Metal but lately I haven't been too fond of it (minus Overkill's newest album which is amazing), Celtic/Celtic Metal, Bardic Styles, Italian Classical, Middle Eastern stuff, if you consider "Middle Eastern" me screwing around on the Phyrigian mode of the Ab Harmonic Minor scale.

I've been told I have one of the best live guitar tones ever to grace the earth. Recording quality is decent though.

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:06 pm

I loose.. I got drums and keyboard lol

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:15 pm

Re: The Axeman's Guild

Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:23 pm

This thread made me dive into the loft and dig out my guitars that I haven't played since I was 12, so I hope you're happy because I banged my head on the way down. The bass is an Ibanez G-something that I can't read because it's been scraped off, and I've got a 1978 Yamaha that my dad used to play when he was in a band. They're both so unused, I daren't touch them or they might fall apart. Pity my music career was killed by lack of money. Is that meant to happen.
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