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Chapter 3 - NPC/Monster

19 February 2011

Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...

More/Harder Monsters
I want to see monsters that make Daedra Lords look like rats! These extra monsters will only occupy the hardest dungeons, and only the most powerful, high level characters will ever run into them. Oh, and some should have very high resistance to magic attacks, so all the cast-absorb technique won't work on them. Dragons with non-magical breath. Ninja/Assassin/Swordmaster types with a supernatural ability with swords. ELEMENTALS, no magic but physical elemental attack. Unicorns (read the EDWARD parts I and II - unicorns are UNPARALLELED fighters). Angels, Avatars, Champions, Dwarves. Goblins and Trolls. Arial monsters, Sea monsters. Lizard, Griffin. Golems. Ride a winged beast (giant eagle). Dragons, more lycanthrocopes, goblins, a race of intelligent tree. Beholder, Mind Flayer, the dreaded Rust Monster, Ogres, a Fachan. Monsters that can't be fought merely with brute force (slimes and molds). Monsters that are dangerous to touch. Dwarves, golbins, halfings, trolls, minotaurs. Nymphs are supposed to be shy and kind. Monsters on horseback. Wererats. How about non-dangerous creatures, that can give advice, info or even become NPCs. Perhaps make some very, very large creatures ( 20' dragons, titans, cyclops, cloud beasts). They could be the size of buildings and would only be encountered in special circumstances. Keep the monsters unique, no AD&D etc... copies. Combat shouldn't get harder as you go along the full range of enemies from weak to god-like should be hanging around in the proper proportions from level1. The real world doesn't take it easy on the weak. You should just be careful to avoid places where strong beings lurk, or die.
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Improved Conversation
There still isn't that much outright conversation per say, save with only a few select people. It still boils down, mostly, to the same where is... or tell me about stuff, with far too much of a little response from the people. Have a NPC Designed contest? If you talk disrepectfully to a king you must face the consequences (prison for a few days). Gossip about recent events etc... Bribe monsters not to attack if you speak their language. NPCs have truly relevant information.
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NPC Allies
Many have requested that Chapter 3 have the ability to have NPC's join the character's party to fight and adventure alongside. These NPC's should have there own agenda for joining the adventurer, whether they are a disguised assassin who wants to bump the character off for another faction or a young adventurer who is in search of fame and fortune. One could incorporate a 'Summon' spell to summon a creature (caster's choice) to fight for the caster. Similiarly, a familiar for mages/spell casting classes would greatly enhance the game (could be added as a class advantage during character creation). A lawful, upstanding citizen could have the ability to call for help if attacked in a city, thereby rewarding good reputation with the law. Hire guards/mercanaries on dangerous missions. Possibly even create a monster! Befriend a monster. Add an animal handling skill. Then add a variety of animals which one could have as a companion. Hounds that will make noise when you near your querry. War horses, riding steeds, stallions and mules could all be killed. Attack dogs you can unleash into combat. Falcons your knights can un-hood. Panthers who will follow your cat burglar. Familiars for your wizards such as cats, monkies, and fairy dragons. Perhaps each animal would require a minimum number of handling points--i.e. a panther requires a 70% handling rating while a small terrier only needs a 15%. Then limit the number of animal companions to three or four--if it's within a characters handling ability.
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No Unkillable NPCs
Make it so people in houses can be interacted with the same way as peasants, similarily with monsters. Make it capable to kill a king/queen and observe the effects (make royalty be above level 20 NPC with nasty spells). Kill a shopkeeper and then rob the store (being caught would result in a stiffer sentence). Have common people be affected by spells. Bodies of peasants should remain like those of monsters instead of disappearing. Peasants should try to beat you if you insult them. Ie. you disagree with a noble, he'll call his guards to kill ya. Peasants maybe try to beat you bare knucle, or maybe there should be duels!!! In duels, someone chooses the weapons and rules.
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Effect of Apperance
When i go see the king and queen naked (or otherwise inappropiately dressed) I get some reaction besides the usual canned answers. Similarily have clothing affect health, wear little cloths in winter and you are bound to catch a cold. NPC's should dress for the occasion (furs in winter, robes in summer, etc...) Damage if clothing is too hot/cold for current climate.Ability to get ill when you stand in the rain too long or when you get out of the water in a cold dungeon etc. Clothes should have a function (in addition to appearance).
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Monster AI
Some serious optimization of monster AI. The damn things need to be able to chase you through a dungeon without getting stuck because they have to go around a corner....some sort of basic knowledge of their surroundings. Also,to increase complexity and variety of monster reactions to PC. Monsters are rated for phobias,desires, obssessions, needs and so on.For example,you meet a predator.The game determines that it is hungry (if not,it may ignore you unless it feels threatened). The game checks if you look tasty to it.As you're a human in this example (dark elven meat smells terrible to this animal) it prepares to attack.But then it notices your torch. As it is terrified in the extreme of open flame,it slinks away with it's tail between it's legs.But if it's hunger rating at that moment was higher than it's fear of open flame rating then it would still attack,but maybe more cautiously. Monsters should have unique nests they return to (collect treasures at, bring food to their young), feeding patterns, sleeping/hunting cycles (times), territory protection (with perhaps an attemp to scare the intruder rather than attack outright), hunt in packs, ambush/stealth/chase tactics (with some quiet approaches) rather than making a beeline for their target, multi-direction attacks when in packs, call for help from their kind etc. Most of the above would go for NPCs too (commuting to work, doing shopping, sharing time with their families, long distance travels, waiting for audience with the royalty, banding together to perhaps gang on the PC if they are pissed etc) Why does a npc thief try to kill your barbarian? He should just try to mug the barbarian. Monsters that run away would be fun too. When a Burglar sees your plate armor and HUGE sword, he should run for his life... not stay there and fight like the brave guy he isn't. While playing Battlespire I used the Quake strategy of allow monsters projectile magic to hit differing monster species, e.g. fire and frost daedra. How every they seem impervious to the effects of oppoisites, e.g. fire melting ice. It would also be helpful, and add amibence, if the struck monster persuded the orginator of projectile rather than stand there and continue to attack your character while having back roasted.
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NPCs That Do Something
Instead of just sitting there or walking from point A to point B the NPC's should have some sort of lives. Make all NPC's mobile (like the king, barkeep, etc...). They should be out planting crops. That's what peasants did, they planted crops. Don't always have NPCs stop and stare at you. See NPCs working in fields, walking along roads etc... between towns.
************ ( 12 Received )

NPC Speech
Maybe only for more important encounters, or just for the greeting. Battlespire did speech nicely, keep it like this.
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Accurate Corpse Contents
Have monsters depicted with the weapons/armor that are actually found as treasure. How many times have I fought and Archer who shoot arrows at me then switched to a sword and the treasure was an axe?? Similary, have the ingrediants match the body. I would expect to find spider's venom in a dead spider 90% of time, orc's blood on an orc, etc... (not 100%...there would be a certain chance of destroying something during the fight). Perhaps if the body is destroyed with a powerful spell (like fireball) they would be no ingrediants as the body is burned to a crisp (as well as cloths etc..). Why did I fight a barbarian to find he had steel armor? His class prevents him from using that. When you get hit as a werewolf, you should find a silver or better weapon in the corpse. Sometimes you can be asked for a quest object by a killable mobile. If I give it to them and then immediately kill them you do not find it on the body.
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Cultural NPCs
TES 3 needs people from different cultures. This could mean a Redhammer wielding a scimitar and High Elf who is a samurai. This would add flavor to the game and prevent the same weapons and classes from continuing to reappear. The scenery and diversity of people (jugglers, acrobats, beggars, herb sellers, ...) in Arena was great. Put it back in! I haven't seen any people of different races as NPCs. Am I the ONLY Argonian in the Iliac Bay? No dark elves (or elves at all)? No Khajiit? No other Argonians? Maybe there are and I haven't found them yet, but...
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Fighting Strategies
Allow Some of the more powerful NPC's or monsters to use some more human stratagies . Such as allow some NPC's to use magic items that a person would make. This would also go for spells. But again AI is complicated and can slow things down. Dodging, Ambushing/Lying in Wait, Hitting and Running, Picking up and Using stuff, Circling, Chasing, Strafing... Flee when damaged, heal, and come back smarter and pissed off. Flee when spotted to go get friends. Back up and parry if being beaten. Offer you a surrender option, stealing some gold/eq and dissapearing. (Except for quest monsters) Less pitful monsters and more equivilantly armored/skilled foes. Beg for mercy. Coordinate attacks as a group. I think that there should be different attack strategies for different weapons. E.G attempting a head chop with a dagger will prove less effective than a stab, slashing about with a Rapier will amount to nothing, whilst stabbing and lunging could be quite nasty. Might I advise looking at the combat engine of the game Bushido Blade for the playstation. THAT is what realistic sword combat is all about.
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Random Encounters
Random encounters on sea or overland, or even air (riding on a griffon, dragon or pegasus) that have coordinated attack patterns.
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No Contradicting NPCs
Have the NPCs not contradict themselves. In one quest I had to find an individual at some Superior Supplies store. So I asked someone if they knew where the Superior Supplies was, and they had no clue, so I asked them if they knew where whats-his-name is, and they replied I believe you will find him at the Superior Supplies. It's a bit to the Southwest if you don't mind the walk . I ask where the store is, they don't know. I ask where the guy is, they suddenly know where the store is. I've had a few NPCs do this to me.
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Different NPC Types
Go through each town and put in a few characters that differentiate(sp) the towns from each other. An example would be to make a town with a corrupt army, and to have there be resistance from an underground (not literally) group of townspeople, with a leader that is an intelligent NPC. Tribes of Grippli (frog-men) in the swamps, possible deep-forest thieves encampments.
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Change Greetings
The greeting these people have. Either get rid of them or change them. I went to a town that I had never been to before in a kingdom I had been to once. I picked a conversation with someone on the street and they say Hello, Darshue. Good to see you again. I seriously doubt I had seen this person before, yet he seemed to think so.
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More NPCs
Add beggers, pickpockets.
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Threaten NPCs
Threaten option to scare people who don't like you into giving up information. Interrogate people and have branching conversations. Have to take right track to get information.
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Vary NPC/Monster Level
Make the level of humanoid characters vary-so that you meet a very tough thief or a wimpy barbarian. also some of the normal townsfolk should be, occassionally, tougher i.e. the peasant who is a high level ranger.
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Non-Combative NPCs
Add scenery creatures that dont figure in combat but add to immersiveness of the game world. Rats (normal kind), farm animals, game, fish etc
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Different Looking Clerks
DON'T have all the store clerks look alike or tavern people in the taverns.

Conversation Engine
Hypertext driven for truly unique conversations.

Total of 201 Suggestions, 21 Unique

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