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Bloodmoon Main Quest: Free Castle Karstaag

15 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Spirit Bear Ceremony
Next Quest: Bloodmoon Prophecy
Locations: Castle Karstaag
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: 30
Required Items:
Suggested Items:
Difficulty: Medium

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Wait until Hircine contacts you again to tell you that Castle Karstaag is under attack from within and he wants you to go help.
  2. Travel to Castle Karstaag on the Western half of the Northern shore of the island.
  3. Speak to Dulk just inside the Castle to find out what has happened.
  4. Find the Caverns beneath the Castle and kill all seven Gralh and the one Rickling in them.
  5. Return to Dulk for his thanks.
  6. Wait until Hircine contacts you again to receive the Hunter's Wind (Athletics skill?).

Detailed Walkthrough

The Dream
Hircine will contact you soon after the last dream (when you next become a Werewolf) to tell you about your next task. It seems that a Castle Karstaag has been taken over by rebels and Hircine wants you to go in and clear them out.

Castle Karstaag
The Castle is far on West side of the Northern shore of the island and is a large ice castle which can be easily missed if you aren't looking for it (-194300, 217700). As soon as you enter the castle via the main door, a Rickling named Dulk will tell you about the rebel Krish who has enlisted the help of Grahl in order to take over the castle. They are located in the caverns below the Castle. To find the caverns, head down through the Banquet Hall area. There are a number of Ricklings in the Hall that will attack you on site.

Karstaag Caverns
There are seven Gralh and the Rickling Krish that you must kill in the Caverns. All are well scattered throughout the cave so you should never have to worry than more than one at a time. You'll receive a journal entry once you've killed them all. You can return to Dulk if you wish who will just thank you for helping.

Wait for Hircine
The next time you turn into a Werewolf, Hircine should contact you again for his congratulations. Your reward this time is something called the Hunter's Wind, which is supposed to help make you never tired (possibly improved Athletics skill?).

Continue on with the Bloodmoon Prophecy portion of the Werewolf main quest. or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

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