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The Golden Crest - Mick Family Tomb, but where?

Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:07 pm

Hello guys,

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, please move it to the right one :)

I have an issue with the quest "Blessed Forefathers" in that Mod (The Golden Crest) which wants me to reqruit Phil gro-Mick, the Orc who stays in the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Imperial City. Alright then - now I have to find the Mick Family Tomb which Phil searches and I play that Mod the first time... yeah.
He won't talk to me if I don't have some informations about his grandfathers tomb and I have to do something to makes him talk about his quest, says the journal entry. I really guess I have to find that tomb for him, because there is no other conversation option and I searched for many hours... but I can't find any clue -.- I dunno if just missed something or else... *sigh*
I even red the walkthrough on NexusMods (which is the only walkthrouh I found), but it only says ".. it isn't confusing and requires no real detecitive work", unfortunately that doesn't help :/

If anybody knows that Golden Crest Quest and maybe where to find that tomb, I would be very, very grateful!

With greetings, Wisepenny

Oh boy... forget it, I bribed the orc and he was talking. Yes I DID miss something XD
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