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A quick thank you!
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Author:  laternosrsly [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  A quick thank you!

Hi everyone!

I don’t know if anyone remembers, but I was here a few months back asking if people would fill out an online survey on perceptions of the past in Skyrim for my Master’s dissertation research.

Well, I’m back! And I handed in my dissertation, got it back, and got a distinction! Yay, go me etc etc. But the main reason I wanted to come back is to thank all those who participated once again for their help – without you guys there would be no dissertation.

Also, as promised, here is a link to my academia.edu page where you can read and download the dissertation if you wish.

https://www.academia.edu/5099437/Experi ... videogames

Please don’t hesitate to contact me on ej536@york.ac.uk if you have any questions.

Thanks again, and maybe I’ll see you around here sometime soon!


Author:  Jabberdave [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

Nice! I'll have to read up on that in the near future. Saved the link. I may have to pass this along to a few of my grad students that are writing dissertations now. From what little I did read, you write very well. Though I'm in Psychology, a good dissertation is a good dissertation. Congratulations!

Author:  Pilaf The Defiler [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

You teach Psychology? Now that's a paper I'd love to see. A psychology student's dissertation on Skyrim. The game deals with so many complex emotions and socio-political ideas I see ripe ground for discussion there.

To the OP, thank you for asking people like us to help. I enjoyed reading your paper, even if archeology isn't my main interest. I'm more of a historical or anthropology person, although those interests overlap admittedly. Thanks for choosing this game and this community. I'm glad it went well for you.

Author:  Derp53 [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

The paper itself is extremely well written and I have to agree with Pilaf, thank you for choosing this game and community. The idea of studying a concept such as digital media entertainment is an innovative one.

Author:  Pisik [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

Pilaf The Defiler wrote:
I'm more of a historical or anthropology person

So, we have too much things to talk. I also love history and anthropology.

Author:  dzio [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

I haven't had time to read all of it yet, but the parts I did read were very interesting and well written. I'm very happy that games and gaming are more widely seen as a worthy topic of academic work. I study sociology and sadly I've come across quite a lot of academics who think that my interest in fandoms, various fan communities and digital popculture in general is at best "cute", and at worst a "pathetic waste of time"...

Author:  AKB [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

I think that's the first time we have ever been used a source in an academic paper. Which is to say, I haven't bothered looking to see if we've ever come up before. So thank you for providing us with that distinction! I enjoyed getting to see your paper. Hope to see you around again!

Author:  FORKFARM [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

Wow -- that's awesome! Congrats on the distinction and thank you for including our community in your work! :--)

Author:  laternosrsly [ Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

dzio wrote:
I haven't had time to read all of it yet, but the parts I did read were very interesting and well written. I'm very happy that games and gaming are more widely seen as a worthy topic of academic work. I study sociology and sadly I've come across quite a lot of academics who think that my interest in fandoms, various fan communities and digital popculture in general is at best "cute", and at worst a "pathetic waste of time"...

My goodness, you must be associating with the wrong academics. Fandoms and online communities are SO important for understanding the way that contemporary social structures exist. Out of interest, where do you study? If you don't mind saying, that is!

Author:  Just_Mad [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick thank you!

Congratulations on the distinction, and I'm sure we were all more than happy to help! A very interesting read- particularly the sections on Escapism which definitely apply to me. Also the first real academic paper I've read in full, so it also served as an insight to what my upcoming Uni-Years will consist of :D

Only one negative springs to mind though; How are you going to cope now you don't have a valid excuse for playing Skyrim for several hours a day?- No-one's going to accept 'it's for my dissertation' anymore!

Seriously though, congratulations, having never studied Archaeology, a lot of the reference to research and studies went right over my head- but at least to a non-archaeologically educated mind it made sense! :D

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