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 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:52 am 

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Jurassic World was 11/10 for me. It was one of the most magical movies I'd seen in years.. then again, that might be due to nostalgia.

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:01 pm 
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No if it is was nostagia it would be a 18/10

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 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:44 pm 
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Most of the posts from General Discussion that relate to Jurassic Park:

Argonanza wrote:
You'd expect something named "thunder lizard" to be more badass than friendly and adorable.


Aarah wrote:
I suppose when they walk, it sounds like thunder, cos they be so large!

Speaking of dinosaurs, I see there's a new Jurassic Park film coming out, 'Jurassic World', where, despite previous disasters surrounding the idea, they have actually opened the theme park and have a fully fuctioning attraction.
Followed by the usual, 'Ahh, they're loose! Run for your lives! (Or, in the case of a t-rex, 'Stand still for your lives!')

MetaCthulhu wrote:
I Yeah, I saw the trailer for that. Do you think they
Maybe Spoilers:
made a T-Rex with grabby arms?

That would be really scary.

Aarah wrote:
Ha ha, it would indeed! But no, i don't think so- the physics is all wrong. For a creature of that size to lean forward enough to grab someone with its little arms, it would likely tip over from its weight - it's got a pretty big head, so i'm guessing its centre of gravity wud be quite high.

On the other hand, if the person was standing on a platform at just the right height then....maybe!!!
Although they don't seem to have much dexterity in their claws, so i'm still gonna say no.

Despite my joking, i have still managed to way over-think the grabby t-rex. lol

BetaB17 wrote:
The popular rumor of the main Dino in JW is not going to be a T Rex, rather worse.. Genetically spliced Dino that's more dangerous than nature could produce? Great attraction for a theme park riddled with past failures :wink: I expect to see more chaos than the 2nd movie brought, bc [&@%!] will hit the fan

Also, trained Raptors is a thing now... Which is badass :heart: and maybe using them to hunt problematic Dinos is a better idea than keeping them caged up forever. As a great man once said, they want to hunt not be fed.

BetaB17 wrote:
So I assume most folks have seen the new Jurassic World trailer? Just.. childhood.. awesome... yes please<3 I'll share it for those to find it new along with the 1st

likelolwhat wrote:
I have to wear a uniform shirt that advertises Jurassic World for my job, but I'm a wimp I've never been a fan of that kind of movie. The first one was unintentionally hilarious at first because Newman was the villain (I mean, srsly!) and I couldn't get past that or the twisty 'science'. And then, well, I spent the rest of it alternately bemoaning the stupidity of humanity and hiding my face in a pillow.

The second one just confirmed for me that in order for anything movie-worthy to happen in the Jurassic universe, a collective sustained brain fart for everyone involved is necessary.

And that's all I remember.

leroybrown wrote:
You're an ISIS minister of propaganda.

But yeah lets not bring up the third one that never happened.
"How'd you get dino pee?"
"You don't wanna know."
".....no for real how did you get it?"

Damn that was the worst. Oh yeah and the velociraptors with the punk rock mohawks. Damn man what happened?

Argonanza wrote:
Maybe a Jurassic Park thread is in order?

Aarah wrote:
leroybrown wrote:
Oh yeah and the velociraptors with the punk rock mohawks. Damn man what happened?

Hey, even dinosaurs like to change their look from time to time.

likelolwhat wrote:
I couldn't get past that or the twisty 'science'.
You mean you didn't like the animated presentation that turned into a ride? That just yells entertainment!

Also, Goldblum was way too sleazy for that film. That scene where he's in the bunker with an injured leg, just looks like he's posing for a cheesy calendar.

Also, it was always a great source of mystery as to what John Hammond shouts down the phone when he hears the others shooting at the raptors. We think it sounds like, 'Charles!!!' but there ain't no one in the movie called that, so...*shrug*.

leroybrown wrote:
Aarah wrote:
Also, Goldblum was way too sleazy for that film. That scene where he's in the bunker with an injured leg, just looks like he's posing for a cheesy calendar.

I never saw it that way. I always loved his character in it, he made a "must go faster" callback in Independence Day aka the greatest movie ever. I can see why he'd be perceived as sleazy however I'd think that'd be more to do with his "I'm always looking for an ex-miss Malcolm." In the end he's got a good heart, just a bit mixed up. A lot of guys can relate to that.

Aarah wrote:
Also, it was always a great source of mystery as to what John Hammond shouts down the phone when he hears the others shooting at the raptors. We think it sounds like, 'Charles!!!' but there ain't no one in the movie called that, so...*shrug*.

You're right though, it's hard to tell.

As a side note, the scene where they're in the Jeeps and they first see the brontosaurus (or whatever it was) always, always, always gives me goosebumps. The background music is just incredible. I need to start my days waking up to that.

Aarah wrote:
leroybrown wrote:
I never saw it that way. I always loved his character in it, he made a "must go faster" callback in Independence Day aka the greatest movie ever. I can see why he'd be perceived as sleazy however I'd think that'd be more to do with his "I'm always looking for an ex-miss Malcolm." In the end he's got a good heart, just a bit mixed up. A lot of guys can relate to that.

Yeh, I did like his character. He's too sleazy in a comedic sense. Seeing him strut in his Zorro style outfit is always good for a chuckle.

leroybrown wrote:
You're right though, it's hard to tell.

It does sound like John. Though him shouting his own name would be weird too. Unless he called one of the raptors, John. Then it makes more sense. :P

The music for JP sure is good. John Williams is great at bestowing that feeling of something amazingly epic.

leroybrown wrote:
Aarah wrote:
leroybrown wrote:
You're right though, it's hard to tell.

It does sound like John. Though him shouting his own name would be weird too. Unless he called one of the raptors, John. Then it makes more sense. :P

Wait. Surely I'm wrong there. I mistook Hammonds name for prof Grants... Which brings us right back to just what is he saying? Need to find that clip. Unless of course you're right and perhaps he had a pet raptor named John. He heard Grant shooting the shotgun and thought of poor 'ol John the Raptor. Or maybe he speaks in 3rd person when he gets overly stressed?

Did you see that statue of Hammond in the Jworld preview? I swear I will own the replica one day... Speaking of which I was going to buy the Barbasol can from that scene with Nedry and Dodgson but it's like $200+!! I could make my own replica for that cost!!
Aarah wrote:
The music for JP sure is good.

Oh yes. Ohhh yes. That 'welcome to jpark' song is almost as good as that-one-song in Star Wars A New Hope. Wasn't that also John Williams? We should collectively write him a thank you letter for the childhood memories.

Here's a quick JPark fun fact: Remember when Laura Dern's character ran from the raptors when she was being hunted? She jumped over a log (or something) by grabbing a hold of a tree branch over her head and swinging past it. I tried to replicate this when I was a young fellow however my body swung parallel to the ground, I lost my grip, then fell and hit my back flat on the ground which knocked the wind out of me. I promptly cried for a solid 5 minutes.

Aarah wrote:
leroybrown wrote:
Did you see that statue of Hammond in the Jworld preview? I swear I will own the replica one day... Speaking of which I was going to buy the Barbasol can from that scene with Nedry and Dodgson but it's like $200+!! I could make my own replica for that cost!!

I didn't spot the statue. Only just watched the one trailer now though. If it's a lifesize replica i'm guessing it'll be prrrretty pricey. That Barbasol can is pretty cool -but that price- yeh, total daylight robbery. If you got actual dna samples in the can then ok.
The raptor claw replica is nice n' cheap, as are the hats and the ID badges, but they're not as snazzy.

I wonder is anyone has tried getting that can through customs with something in it. Just to see. Though I can't see it faring very well once it leaves human eyes and goes through the x-ray machine.

leroybrown wrote:
That 'welcome to jpark' song is almost as good as that-one-song in Star Wars A New Hope. Wasn't that also John Williams?

That one is great. That point in the film when the helicopter is coming in to land and the music starts, I remember it being the point where I got properly excited that the fun was about to start.
Yes, he did the music for all the Star Wars films, and other beauties like Indiana Jones and the Harry Potter films. All super scores.
leroybrown wrote:
I tried to replicate this when I was a young fellow however my body swung parallel to the ground, I lost my grip, then fell and hit my back flat on the ground which knocked the wind out of me. I promptly cried for a solid 5 minutes.

Lol, good job it wasn't real, or you would've been raptor food. Maybe if you had the intense fear of being chased by a man-eating creature, you would have had more gusto in your swing. Maybe borrow a crazy neighbourhood dog and give it another go.

As for Hammond's shout -maybe it will be one of life's unsolved mysteries. Although him referring to himself in 3rd person isn't a bad suggestion. He is a rather egotistical character! Maybe he is a big Beatles fan, and named the raptors after them. John was always his favourite.

Musicman247 wrote:
I too am super excited about Jurassic World. Been a dino enthusiast since I was a little kid. I think a friend of mine and I are going to go to the midnight showing dressed as raptors or something silly. XD

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:19 pm 
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Alright everybody, I think it's been long enough that most people have seen it, so I'm going to go ahead and start:

What did you guys think of the Indominus vs Tyrannosaur fight? It was just so sad to me; any one who has ever gone to a playground as a kid knows that the T-Rex always wins. Always. So to see it get itself manhandled in a 1v1 like that really affected me.

Also, what did you guys think of all the throwbacks to the original Jurassic Park? I just loved the scene were the blood drips both ways down the guys arm. :heart:


 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:38 pm 

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11/10 movie go see it

No really though, enough cool/random [&@%!] happened to keep the movie fresh and neat. Like the assistant getting eaten by like three different dinosaurs, the finale also being so abrupt and unexpected, [&@%!] like that

I forever call bull [&@%!] on the little [&@%!] fixing up that jeep though, my ass they knew how to fix a [&@%!] ancient automobile

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:11 pm 
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All i've heard that it has the [&@%!] T-rex appear and unlike Jurassic Park 3, it does what it knows it can do with the [&@%!] T-rex. I've heard mixed things about the film and that there is a very dumb moment about the whole plot twist that would make Shaymalan facepalm. Oh and apparently, the CGI looks worse then the original and none of it feels real.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:59 am 
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Peter Quill should've brought in Groot to save the day. The theropods wouldn't bother to try eating him, so he has an advantage.

Baurus: Our job is to get the Emperor out of situations like this. Though I'll admit, things aren't going exactly to plan.

Casandra: At the moment, the deadliest weapon at my disposal is a goblin's head on a stick. I'd be worried if this was the plan.

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:13 pm 
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Over a year and a half since anyone has posted in here?! Despicable!

Had to put this Gem in its proper place after posting in GD.

And another classic.

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:36 pm 
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Daanana Na na Daanana Na na Daananaaa na na na!

I should be deeply ashamed of myself. But I'm not. So....

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 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:38 pm 
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^ :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:20 am 
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But in all seriousness

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 Post subject: Re: Jurassic Park
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:40 pm 
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BetaB17 wrote:

It's like Jurassic Park meets Wild West.
Hey... now that's an idea for JP5 (or for leroy, JP 4).
Jurassic Wild West World.

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