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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:32 am 

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The historical memory and method of the ‘civilised races’ of Tamriel is around for the citizen of Tamriel, be they schoolboy or scholar, to see. [2] One need only stare at the architecture of the average household in Skyrim, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell or Morrowind for a moment before it seeps into the mind. [3] But when one looks upon either the enfranchised city-Orc or the fearless and devout tribal Orc, their memory is invisible, as opaque as the darkest night. [4] They have no ancestral homeland to look back upon as the other races do, ever-travelling, having been harried at every temporary settlement. [5] However opaque the methods and memory in Orcish history seems, it can be found with a certain amount of (both literal and metaphorical) digging and separated into oral traditions and written sources provided by the Orcs themselves.

Oral traditions of the Orsimer have henceforth been defined as ‘practices, sayings or rites, originating in a non-written medium.’ [6] Their use in everyday life, for both city and tribal Orcs, is prevalent in many aspects of their lives – from the reverence of Mauloch and the reciting of the holy law, the ‘Code of Malacath’, to the shouting of curses in taverns. [7] Yet the oral traditional oral history of the orcs is much more deeply ingrained in their culture than these examples would initially suggest, for one can see clearly that cultures with an assigned provincial homeland, taking an example of the Nords of Skyrim and Solstheim, have a similar set of overt oral traditions. [8]

The oral tradition of the Tribal Orcs focuses firstly on the role of Malacath in the creation of the Orcish race, and reverence to the code that he assigned his changed followers to follow. [9] The fact that the code is a set of unwritten rules, pasted down from one generation to the next through the primary socialisation emphasised by the stronghold life, places oral tradition as the most pious and devout form of honouring both Mauloch and the Orcish heroes who have achieved great thing for their tribe and race. [10] The honouring of Malacath through prayers and rituals - in embracing their pariahdom in the presence and protection of their natural patron - creates, through the sensual arousal emotion that oral tradition can invoke in the mind, a more effective rally against adversity that the Orcish pariahs are subject to in lacking a homeland. Furthermore, the focus of life on combat and survival principles inevitably leads to a deficit of literacy in the tribal community, for it is not necessary in the community that places such an emphasis on oral tradition. [11]

The oral tradition of the tribal Orc’s stronghold life permeates through into the ‘city-Orc’ communities throughout Tamriel. [12] Many of the city-Orcs are those who have left the stronghold of the tribal orcs, transferring – knowingly or not – this culture to their offspring and fellow city-orcs. The Code, with its emphasis on strength, endurance and the crafting of the community’s items, place many ex tribal-orcs with the great opportunity as shock troops and armourers for the Imperial Legion. [13] The tradition of the tribe yet has a subtler effect; for both city-orcs from birth and by situation, it has transferred the importance and position of the oral, despite the emphasis of the Imperialised settlements on written sources. [14] Finally, it has transferred the social acceptability of Daedra adherence in any ethnic subculture since the Dunmer’s abandonment of the Tribunal Temple. [15] It is common for city-orcs to make many references to Malacath, much in the way that Dunmer make reference to Azura, but with the added adherence to his code of his reverence, a focus on smithing and meeting their fate with a strong heart and thick skin. [16]

The contrast between the emphasis on oral tradition between the ‘civilised races’ and the Orcs are staggeringly defined. [17] Bane himself mentions only briefly that “Tales of Orcish barbarity precede written record”, yet swiftly moves on from the reference of oral tradition to the written source of Jastyaga – implying that the oral tradition of the Orcs was as detestable to dwell up as they themselves were. [18] The Empire, its maintenance depending and survival upon the effectiveness of its bureaucracy, and its Imperialised provinces that provide an ancestral homeland for its ethnic inhabitants relegated the relative important of oral tradition to little but entertaining mead hall stories for the workers after a hard day, when compared to the effect that manifests in the Orcs when their historical memory remembers their perpetual ancient ostracization, homelessness, and adherence of their code of conduct. [19]

Written sources of the Orsimer have henceforth been defined as ‘practices, sayings or rites, originating in a written medium, either as a direct recording at the time of the origin of the source (primary); or practices, sayings or rites, originating from a non-written medium, but transferred to a written medium later (secondary)’. [20] While not as numerous or prevalent in the Orcish historical method or memory as in those of ‘civilised races’, these sources are still equally as important in revealing the exclusivity of the Orcish historical memory. From the primary source of the Old Orcish Prose, Torug ag Krazak, to the secondary sources, from both Orcs – such as Ramurbak Gro-Abamath, Mauloch, Orc-Father - and non-Orcs – such as Amanda Alleia, The Code of Malacath – the few written sources in which Orcish history is told sheds much light into the complexity of their culture and psychology. [21]

The one and only plentiful source of primary written sources of the ancient Orcs is contained in an inscription, inscribed in Old Orcish, a three-stanza poem dedicated to the founder of the First Orsinium, Torug gro-Igron. [22] While the exact date of the inscription is unknown, it is thought to be a primary source inscribed very shortly after Torug’s death. [23] The Old Orcish language, being crude and fluid, lacks the use of articles (definite or indefinite) and plurals. [24]

The flexibility of the written language used in the inscription tells us much about the psychology and the culture of the ancient orcs writing it. The language of the ancient Orcs represents, in its crudeness and flexibility, its struggle with its ancestral homelessness. [25] For a society that could call no province its own – unlike the Bretons and Redguards that provided an immediate source of mutual hostility – thusly placed such emphasis on oral tradition, that suited the race that lived a ‘raided-raiding’ lifestyle. [26] When compared with the bulkiness and immobility of written sources written in the languages of the imperialised races, the simplicity of the language’s structure allow the Orcs to find a home, wherever they travelled, while still trying to claim Orsinium as their ancestral homeland by producing the vast majority of their linguistic corpus that is available to us, on an immobile cairn. [27]

The secondary set of sources that show the Orcish historical memory and memory are those that record the traditions by non-Orcs or are else recorded by Orcs when the tradition has been portrayed orally since times immemorial. [28] ‘The past is a wolf’, record the Sayings of the Wise – this saying is not only true in its ordained sense, but also in the sense that in Orcish society in the past but also today, tribal orcs and city-orcs alike, are still without a provincial homeland and have not transitioned their historical method from orality to literacy. [29] When even the cunning diplomacy of the Orcish warlord Gortwog gro-Nagorm attempted, yet failed, to achieve Imperial provincial recognition for Orsinium in exchange for the Orcish integration into the Imperial Legion, the potential transferral stalled to a standstill. [30]

Yet the majority of secondary sources of oral tradition, mainly written by non-Orcs, prove to pose a dangerous manipulation in the historical memory of the race. Bane’s The Pig Children and a minority of other anti-Orc pamphlets still in-print in the Fourth Era non-withstanding, this manipulation may be a passive one, but it is still dangerous nevertheless. The ‘civilised races’ that write or transcribe the majority of the secondary sources of historical memory are not in a situation to feel the full extent of the effect on the Orcish method; No matter how they may try to integrate themselves into Orcish society, they – being from a race that has a static ancestral homeland – distort the tradition in their own ignorance of the Orcs ancestral homelessness. [31]

So, due to the limitations of the primary sources in the Old Orcish language and the wide-spread passive manipulation of Orcish oral traditions in the written transcriptions of tracts written by non-Orcs, the truth of Orcish historical method and memory exists, nigh solely, in the oral tradition of its people, whether from the imperialised cities or the tribal strongholds. Without the achievement of the evasive ancestral homeland, the Orcs are the only race to have an exclusive focus on oral tradition, as opposed to the ‘civilised races’, with their imperialised focus on literacy in historical memory and method. Even the general population of the Nords with the Skaal tribe of Solstheim, nor the Dunmer with the Ashlanders of Vvardenfell, could boast such an exclusive method.

[1] Morven Ashwing is a Breton historian, Fellow of the Imperial University, and General Editor of The Journal of Tamrielic Studies. He specialises in Orcish Studies, specifically in the study of Orcish theology, history and linguistics; The reader should note that ‘Malacath’ appears in its alternative form ‘Mauloch’, and ‘Orcs’ as ‘Orsimer’. These words are completely interchangeable.

[2] The idea of the racial inferiority of the Orcs, up until the metaphysical phenomenon of ‘The Warp in the West’ in Frostfall, 3E 417, is well-documented and near-universal, especially in High Rock and Hammerfell where the public popular memory of the Siege of Orsinium (1E 950 – 980) was still very strong. Reading on the phenomenon is best sought from Ulvius Tero, The Warp in the West. For examples of prejudice of the ‘civilised races’ to the Orcs, ranging from the explicitly vulgar in Tyston Bane, The Pig Children, to the subtler prejudice displayed by the noble and magistrate in Menyna Gsost, How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs.

[3] The exclusion of the province of High Rock from this list is since it is, as it was before the Warp, a less rigidly homogenous cultural unit than the provinces thus stated.

[4] ‘city Orcs’ are Orcs that have left their ancient traditional violent tribal lifestyle for the ‘soft’ life of the local provincial settlements, having been imperialised. While Amanda Alleia, The Code of Malacath: A Sellsword’s Guide to the Orc Strongholds considers the only difference between the city-Orcs and their tribal counterparts to be that the latter “don't hesitate to draw weapons and settle matters openly”, such a distinction is greatly important when analysing the methods of history and state of public memory of the Orcs separately and in general.

[5] Orcs are the only race to not have its own ancestral homeland: The Nord revere the land of Atmora, the Dunmer, Morrowind and the migration lands of their Chimer ancestors under Veloth. The Redguards have the long-lost island of Yoku, and the other races their respective provinces.

[6] Thus, the published collection of Orsimer proverbs, Sayings of the Wise, would be considered an oral tradition, as opposed to a primary written source. However, it would be considered a secondary written source. See ‘Definition of Written Sources’ section.

[7] The Code of Malacath, being a set of unwritten and implicit rules for tribal Orcs to live by, is taught and reinforced by the tribal lifestyle from youth. For an example of the oral tradition of reverence to Malacath, in the case of the creation of Orcish War Paint, see The Red Paint. For the recorded oral tradition of Orcish curses, see Alleia, The Code of Malacath.

[8] For examples of Nord oral tradition, see Tredayn Dren, The Legend of Red Eagle, and of the Skaal tribe of Solstheim, see Lucius Gallus, The Guardian and the Traitor.

[9] The Code of Malacath spurns the weak, especially among his followers, and the failure to adhere to the code of one’s ancestors cause great disgrace to those cannot uphold it. Furthermore, the code serves to reinforce the structure of the stronghold and the roles of the chief’s daughters to marry other chieftains, and of the chief’s mother to become wise woman to the tribe. See the dialogue of Atub, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Atub> [accessed 26 June 2018] and Borgakh the Steel Heart, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Borgakh_the_Steel_Heart> [accessed 26 June 2018].

[10] The structure of an orcish stronghold is a simplistic hierarchy of a polygamous chieftain, ruling over his direct kin and being the only male being allowed to father children. The traditions of the strongest orc must be the chief and that a for a new chief to be chosen, they must challenge and best the old chief for his place, breeds a community in the Darwinian mindset, in which the hegemony of oral tradition associated with the strength of the chief, and thus of Malacath himself.

[11] Bane, The Pig Children. Despite the pamphleteer Tyston Bane falsely and ignorantly proclaiming orcs as “intellectually moronic” in his book, he held the orthodox view of the Orcs during the time, allowing us to understand how the Orcish struggle for a homeland amongst the ‘civilised races’ – and the prejudice and discrimination from this action – reflects the isolation and of orcish dominance of oral tradition over ‘civilised races’ written sources.

[12] For examples, see the dialogue of Borgakh the Steel Heart, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Borgakh_the_Steel_Heart> [accessed 26 June 2018], Gat gro-Shargakh, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Gat_gro-Shargakh> [accessed 26 June 2018], and Ghorza gra-Bagol, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ghorza_gra-Bagol> [accessed 26 June 2018].

[13] An example being Ghorza gra-Bagol, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ghorza_gra-Bagol> [accessed 26 June 2018]. Also see Morven Ashwing (2018) ‘Menace to Master-at-Arms: The Orcish Integration into the Late Third-Era Imperial Legion’, The Journal of Tamrielic Studies, 1:1, p.4.

[14] See Ghorza gra Bagol’s disdain and confusion at books, “Don’t know why the Imperials like these so much […] Here, let me show you how an Orc learns to smith.” Ghorza gra-Bagol, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ghorza_gra-Bagol> [accessed 26 June 2018].

[15] For the fall of the Tribunal Temple, see Thara of Rihad, The Reclamations: The Fall of the Tribunal and the Rise of the New Temple. Before the fall of the Tribunal, after the Red Year of 4E 5, the Dunmer of the Ashlander tribes in the Ashlands of the Isle of Vvardenfell who worshiped the Reclamations were considered heretics by the orthodox Tribunal-worshipping Dunmer and persecuted savagely.

[16] Ghorza gra-Bagol, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ghorza_gra-Bagol> [accessed 26 June 2018],
“Malacath willing.”; “Grew up in a stronghold. Every Orc girl tended the forge at some point […] so I joined the Legion. Mastered my trade there.”; Gat gro-Shargakh, <http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Gat_gro-Shargakh> [accessed 26 June 2018], “Thank Malacath we got out of Kolskeggr alive.”; “I would need to challenge the chief, and take his head, to return home.”; Borgakh the Steel Heart, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Borgakh_the_Steel_Heart> [accessed 26 June 2018], “Malacath teaches us to meet our fate. Perhaps this is mine.”; “Healing magic? An Orc lets her wounds heal naturally…”

[17] One may try to counter this argument by pointing the situation of the Skaal to the Nords, or the Ashlanders to the Dunmer. However, it must be considered that these examples sit in the tiny minority and are not representative of their respective general populations and, unlike the Orcs, have a permanently habituated homeland and ancestral province.

[18] Bane, The Pig Children.

[19] For account of the orc’s historical homelessness, see The True Nature of Orcs, and Imperial Geographical Society, Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition.

[20] Due to what has previously been told, it may not be startling to learn that the large majority of written sources of the orcish historical memory and method come from non-orcs, and that the majority of these are secondary sources.

[21] While the original Old Orcish Torug ag Krazak is considered a primary source, its Cyrodiilic translation, Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation is considered a secondary source.

[22] For more information on Torug, see Torug ag Krazak, its Cyrodiilic translation, Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation, and for information on his armlet, see Armlet of Torug. For more information on Old Orcish, see Old Orcish, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Old_Orcish> [accessed 27 June 2018].

[23] While the date of his death is unknown, he died before the start of the First Siege of Orsinium (1E 950-80). For a Golkarr was king of the Orcs at that time. See the poem, The Great Siege of Orsinium.

[24] Old Orcish, < http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Old_Orcish> [accessed 27 June 2018].

[25] See The True Nature of Orcs.

[26] The raiding of the Orcs by the ‘civilised races’, and vice-visa, was the first response by both sides, for the latter thought the former like beasts and incapably of meaningful and honest diplomacy. See Bane, The Pig Children.

[27] See Torug ag Krazak and Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation.

[28] See, for example of the secondary recording of oral tradition being transmitted to external written sources, Roald Kenway, Old Orc Sayings: Shields; For examples of oral tradition being transferred to written sources by the orcs themselves at a later date, see Sayings of the Wise.

[29] Sayings of the Wise “The past is a wolf. The clever hunter keeps his eye fixed on it, while the foolish hunter looks away and is devoured.”; The ordained meaning of this saying is that, due to the history of the Orcs being so bloodied and harried, the historical memory of the race is key to its survival in the face of adversity.

[30] Morven Ashwing (2018) ‘Menace to Master-at-Arms: The Orcish Integration into the Late Third-Era Imperial Legion’, The Journal of Tamrielic Studies, 1:1, p.5.

[31] See Kenway, Old Orc Sayings: Shields, being “a compliation of the oral wisdom of the Orcs, collected here and recorded by Roald Kenway, who did live among the Orcs for six-and-thirty years at the start of the second era.” Even this amount of time amongst the Orcs could allow one the penetrate fully into their mindset and historical memory and the psychology behind it.


Alleia, Amanda. The Code of Malacath: A Sellsword’s Guide to the Orc Strongholds.

Armlet of Torug.

Ashwing, Morven. (2018) ‘Menace to Master-at-Arms: The Orcish Integration into the Late Third-Era Imperial Legion’, The Journal of Tamrielic Studies, 1:1, pp.3-8.

Bane, Tyston. The Pig Children.

Gro-Abamath, Ramurbak. Mauloch, Orc-Father.

Gsost, Menyna. How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs. (Later editions published under the titles How Orsinium Passed to Orcs and Orsinium and the Orcs).

Imperial Geographical Society, Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition.

Kenway, Roald. Old Orc Sayings: Shields.

Sayings of the Wise.

Tero, Ulvius. The Warp in the West.

The Great Siege of Orsinium.

The True Nature of Orcs.

Torug ag Krazak.

Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation.

[ESO Fanfiction Audio Lore] Menace To Master at Arms - Morven Ashwing

Ashwing, Morven. (2018) 'Orcish Historical Memory and Method'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:29 pm 
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Sorry for the late reply.

Despite not being familiar with any Orcish lore or history, I found the article clear to understand in its structure and interesting in content.

There were a few times where I was keen to know a bit more than was mentioned, and found the notes referenced at the bottom lead to the required information.

All in all, I think it's a really good article, with concise points and thorough notes and citations!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:34 pm 

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Aarah wrote:
Sorry for the late reply.

Despite not being familiar with any Orcish lore or history, I found the article clear to understand in its structure and interesting in content.

There were a few times where I was keen to know a bit more than was mentioned, and found the notes referenced at the bottom lead to the required information.

All in all, I think it's a really good article, with concise points and thorough notes and citations!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

Thank you for your reply. A similar reply on the first article would likewise be useful.

I am glad you like it; But do you have any suggestions how I can promote it to a wider audience?

[ESO Fanfiction Audio Lore] Menace To Master at Arms - Morven Ashwing

Ashwing, Morven. (2018) 'Orcish Historical Memory and Method'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:14 pm 
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do you have any suggestions how I can promote it to a wider audience?

Not really, I'm afraid.
Best I could suggest would just be anywhere that caters to Elder Scrolls lore: sites, forums, documentation. And if you can mingle with the community, even better, rather than simply a 'submit it and leave' affair.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:47 am 

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Aarah wrote:
do you have any suggestions how I can promote it to a wider audience?

Not really, I'm afraid.
Best I could suggest would just be anywhere that caters to Elder Scrolls lore: sites, forums, documentation. And if you can mingle with the community, even better, rather than simply a 'submit it and leave' affair.

Ok, thanks - be sure to check out my first article!

[ESO Fanfiction Audio Lore] Menace To Master at Arms - Morven Ashwing

Ashwing, Morven. (2018) 'Orcish Historical Memory and Method'

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:37 pm 
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Morven Ashwing wrote:
I am glad you like it; But do you have any suggestions how I can promote it to a wider audience?

Share it as much as you can to people you know might enjoy it. The forums are a good start for fan created stuff. Send folks here to read 'em. (They might stay and contribute to the community, and give you an audience.)

But so much you could do. I'm no social media guru, but maybe you could make a blog or a tumblr or something? Build up a following and use some tags to promote it, reach out to other folks who like what you like... The possibilities are endless. :wink:

Anyway, good luck, and keep writing! :sweetroll:


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:37 pm 

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Avron the S'wit wrote:
Morven Ashwing wrote:
I am glad you like it; But do you have any suggestions how I can promote it to a wider audience?

Share it as much as you can to people you know might enjoy it. The forums are a good start for fan created stuff. Send folks here to read 'em. (They might stay and contribute to the community, and give you an audience.)

But so much you could do. I'm no social media guru, but maybe you could make a blog or a tumblr or something? Build up a following and use some tags to promote it, reach out to other folks who like what you like... The possibilities are endless. :wink:

Anyway, good luck, and keep writing! :sweetroll:

I need to employ a social media guru!

[ESO Fanfiction Audio Lore] Menace To Master at Arms - Morven Ashwing

Ashwing, Morven. (2018) 'Orcish Historical Memory and Method'

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