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 Post subject: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:04 pm
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ES Games: Oblivion
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Because Exclamation points make me seem enthusiastic.
I really am!

My replies will be early, since I'm going.

How did you become a mod.
I helped out Leilah when she took over, I reported, and generally helped out. But i have no clue what made them give me powers.
Cats or dogs.
Dogs. Seriously.
Do you have a list of all mods, past and present... and future!
Yes, Yes i do.

All: Favorite Ex Mod?
That foreign one.
Generalno1: Who gave you this title of 'no1' or is your head very largely inflated?
My 11 year old self gave me that title, and i rather trust him.

favourite Elder Scrolls Game, along with your most prominent Elder Scrolls memory or experience. And additionally, describe the day you joined the UESP. Why did you join? Any memories that stick out from that day?
My favorite is now Skyrim. Such an awesome game. I have loads of moments, my recent Skyrim moment was that time i ended up running from that bear in the marsh lands, but inevitably getting killed. Then there was that brilliant fight with with my first random dragon. and that dragon i killed while wearing fine clothes and a sword. I joined and asked a stupid question, and was very very cautious. I don't think anyone remembers me from my first year.

Is Avron REALLY a Sload?
Yes. she sent us all a picture of her without her human disguise.
Do you have to perform the Black Sacrament to get the mods to contact you to become one of them?
Not really, we have a hotline. when we get a call, we put on capes and masks, and get in front of our computers while shouting catch phrases. Mine is Yipee-ki-yay.
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
roughly 12, i think. depends on his teeth.

Rose of sithis:
Which forum members do you ship? For example, Cam/Mrs. T, Weasel/Chaos....
Kestral and Rhavie.

@All: Do you love me? B3
D'awwwwww.....You know the answer.

what is a good question?
Where the rest of vodka is kept.
Favorite movie?
Hmmm...I'm not really a movie person.
Elderscrolls game?
Role model?
Many people.

Addicted to morrowind:
Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life?
What makes this Mod team so awesome?
We each have different traits. And our power madness is very short lived when it arises.
Why did you decide to join UESP?
I had a question about Healing in Oblivion, I liked the community.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor?
No, it sounds Koraa Dur.
What is your favorite TES race?
Redguards. So awesome.
What is the meaning of life and everything?
^If so, then what is 56+43?
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate?
That The elves are snobby. Except the Bosmer.

Knight captain:
Who would win in a fight a bear or a shark?
The bear, since the shark would only be able to bite and attack near the edge of the river, if the Bear got on land. If they put aside their differences, they could accomplish so much...
If the early bird catches the worm, then why do good things come to those who wait?
Because we aren't birds. We're humans, and humans are lazy.


Wanna buy a watch?
If it's water proof, and doesn't break under 500 KGs of pressure, has a warranty, and looks posh.
Why does Mai'q not have a stick of fishies?
Because people keep taking it from him, and giving it to me.
Who's on first?
CAn I be the official Forum Sappy Music Guy?
Sure, but no titanic.
And is it fun to be a mod? Why?
Yes, i get to help people out directly.

All: What other mod could you take in a fight, and why?
Scozzar. He has girly fists.
Where do you get off?
At nevernever land
Yes or no?
Will you answer this question?
What was that?
Will you get the door?
Nah, that's what you're there for.
Where are my keys?
In the matrix.
Did you answer any of these questions honestly, and if not, which ones?
I answered every single one honestly, because i am a man of honor.
Which user is your favorite?
That foreign one.
You must cross a fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken across a river. You can only take one of your burdens across at once. If you leave the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain. If you leave the chicken alone with the fox, it will eat the chicken. How do you proceed?
I take the chicken across, then the grain, and then the fox. then i laugh at all of them for the trivial task they put before me, and walk away.
Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant?
Not really, Time is relevant, but the exact nature of time is mistaken. Time is not a river, flowing in one direction, It's an ocean.
Hello? Is anyone there?
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us?
The body is behind the University, under the roses.

Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists.
Judas priest, Disturbed, Queen, Muse, Panic at the Disco
barely counts though. I had different ones last week.

If you could can choose an animal that you can commit a full-on genocide on, which animal would it be?
Birds. Freaking birds. If specific birds? The koyal. Annoying creation. In morning, KooOO, KoooOOO, KOOOOOO. If i could shoot them all, i would.

Am I funny?
Yes, in the, awww...look! he's making a joke! kind of way. Though you are funny.
What is better? Home cooked dinner or restaurant?
Taste is taste, weather at home or in a restaurant. It's not like you can say, restaurant food is inherently better.
What do you do for fun?
Books, games.
It's UESP's birthday and you only have a roll of silver tape, a can of spray cream and some forks, how do you construct the epic birthday cake?
Use the forks to create a structure, and use the tape to hold it together, then spray it. Then, run.
Should Dark Lord kill Mucro?
Sure, go ahead.

Do you spam in the Mod forum?
Quite often. It's not like you can verify, so Haha.
Have you ever neglected any of your duties? (Eg. Ignored a spambot because you just couldn't be bothered to ban it?)
Not really. If i actually couldn't do it, I usually send a PM to another mod online to see if he/she could do it.
Which is that one book that you will always read again and again?
I dunno, i suppose i might read the foundation series and the robot series at a later time. Both by Issac Asimov.

Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?
Han, shot first.

What is your name?
What is your quest?
To always have a story to tell.
What is your favorite color?
What's the one thing you wish members on the forums knew about being a moderator?
It's annoying at times, but rewarding at others.
What is your one hope for the UESP forums?
Everyone always stays happy and content, with not too much frustration in the air.
Boxers or briefs?
We're going on a date! (Lucky duck, you!) Where do we go and, most importantly, what are we eating?!
The pick would be in the form of a flying ship. It would take us to galaxies unknown, to quests, wonders and many various foods.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?

General: Career plans - yay or nay? Big Nay.
Firstly thanks for being the best damn mod team I've ever worked with (though really, technically, only the second mod team I've ever been on). But since this needs to be a question: much evidence is being gathered that galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centres, for example the spiral galaxy M51 may contain a black hole formed from a star 1 million times more massive than our sun. Explain what is meant by the term 'event horizon' and calculate the radius of the event horizon for the supermassive black hole in M51.

I'm not arrogant. I'm insecure.

Made you look

 Post subject: Re: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:35 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:37 am
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Wow, that took a long time.


How did you become a mod. -- I was asked by Andere. Apparently it was because I was active in many sections of the forums,
Cats or dogs. - Dogs.


All: Favorite Ex Mod? -- I can't pick a favorite. That wouldn't be nice.


Favourite Elder Scrolls Game -- I don't like picking favorites. I'd rather play Skyrim than Oblivion right now, if that's an answer.
Along with your most prominent Elder Scrolls memory or experience -- Probably when I first got Oblivion and just started playing it, I went into a cave and was like "How cool is this! There's so much to do here!"
And additionally, describe the day you joined the UESP. Why did you join? Any memories that stick out from that day? -- I joined because those Wiki people kept telling me to go here. They're boring.


Is Avron REALLY a Sload? - Yes, yes indeed.
Do you have to perform the Black Sacrament to get the mods to contact you to become one of them? - No. Of course not. Don't be silly. Mwahaha
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - A woodchuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


Which forum members do you ship? For example, Cam/Mrs. T, Weasel/Chaos.... - "Ship"? I don't speak lingo...


@All: Do you love me? B3 -- Eew. You have cooties.


Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life? - Yeah, no.
What makes this Mod team so awesome? - Me.
Why did you decide to join UESP? - I needed info on the Wiki.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor? - Not really.
What is your favorite TES race? - I do like Khajiit, if only they weren't so out of place in the Elder Scrolls games we've seen.
What is the meaning of life and everything? - To serve me. (@Oblivious to reference)
^If so, then what is 56+43? - I don't know. I have servants to do my math.
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate? - That Elves are bad people


Who would win in a fight a bear or a shark? - On land, a bear. In water, a shark.
If the early bird catches the worm, then why do good things come to those who wait? - Because the worm who sleeps in avoids the early bird, duh.


Wanna buy a watch? - Yeah, sure, let's go in this dark alleyway where nobody is watching. Don't worry, I won't mug you.

And is it fun to be a mod? Why? - Yes, sometimes. We have some awesome Mod parties.


Favorite movie? - Star Wars, episode all of them.
Elderscrolls game? - Skyrim, currently
Color? - Orange
Role model? - Some people. Like my parents.


All: What other mod could you take in a fight, and why? - Scozzar. Seems beatable. :P
Where do you get off? - Next stop.
Yes or no? - Yes.
Will you answer this question? --
What was that? - What is it? Dragons?
Will you get the door? -- It may be the police. They've been looking for me. So no.
Where are my keys? - Did you check their house?
Did you answer any of these questions honestly, and if not, which ones? -- I've answered them honestly.
Which user is your favorite? - YOU. Now come here.
You must cross a fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken across a river. You can only take one of your burdens across at once. If you leave the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain. If you leave the chicken alone with the fox, it will eat the chicken. How do you proceed? -- Kill the fox and the chicken and haul their corpses across the river with the grain. You never said they needed to be alive.

Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? - Whoa, man. Mind = blown
Hello? Is anyone there? - Hello? Hello?
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us? - Avron's real name is Ron.


Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists. -- I just listen to whatever's on.


If you could can choose an animal that you can commit a full-on genocide on, which animal would it be? - spiders


Is it okay for mods to ask questions? - No, that was unethical of you.
YES - I said no!
Am I funny? - Why, yes, if skulls are funny.


Do you spam in the Mod forum? - Constantly. Avron's the worst of them all.
Have you ever neglected any of your duties? (Eg. Ignored a spambot because you just couldn't be bothered to ban it?) - Maybe.
Which is that one book that you will always read again and again? - There's this book that I always read when I have nothing else to read, called The Legend of The Wandering Prince.


Are non-mods allowed to answer that question? - I'm not allowed to answer questions about questions about answering questions.
Why does Mai'q not have a stick of fishies? - The world will never know.


Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo? - Han Solo of course. Greedo was cool.


Who's on first? - The person who's not on second.


What is your name? - I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours.
What is your quest? - To bring world peace under my rule.
What is your favorite color? - Orange
What's the one thing you wish members on the forums knew about being a moderator? - How incredibly amazing we are.
What is your one hope for the UESP forums? - A better Captcha that gets rid of Spambots before they make accounts.
Boxers or briefs? - Boxers.
We're going on a date! (Lucky duck, you!) Where do we go and, most importantly, what are we eating?! - We're going to a five star battleship, and eating cheese.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? - 3001.7538740 meters per hour.


What is better? Home cooked dinner or restaurant? - Restaurant.

What do you do for fun? - Spaz around.


Matt: Border Collies - yay or nay? Yay!

All: Firstly thanks for being the best damn mod team I've ever worked with (though really, technically, only the second mod team I've ever been on). But since this needs to be a question: much evidence is being gathered that galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centres, for example the spiral galaxy M51 may contain a black hole formed from a star 1 million times more massive than our sun. Explain what is meant by the term 'event horizon' and calculate the radius of the event horizon for the supermassive black hole in M51. -- tl;dr :P


MiscTeatime: It's UESP's birthday and you only have a roll of silver tape, a can of spray cream and some forks, how do you construct the epic birthday cake? - I don't. I buy one.


Do you have a list of all mods, past and present... and future! -- Yes.

CAM (grr)

Should Dark Lord kill Mucro? -- Go nuts.


CAn I be the official Forum Sappy Music Guy? -- See above response.

Ring-a-ding, baby.

Hi! I am a UESPF Moderator and you can PM me with any concerns you have, no matter how trivial. You can also use the report button - a feature that draws attention to a certain post and allows us to offer our own input.

 Post subject: Re: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:03 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:48 pm
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ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
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How did you become a mod - Got out of the shower one day to find a couple of emails waiting for me. One was a Facebook notification, the other was a PM asking if I wanted to join the moderator team. The rest is history. And I also responded to the moderator invitation.
Cats or dogs - Dogs. Someday I'll tell you all about my dog Lincoln.
Do you have a list of all mods, past and present... and future! - I used to have a list of all the past ones somewhere and I'm sure you can work out the present list. As for the future, I don't see your name on it.

Favorite Ex Mod? - I can't answer that. Erm, H8Ball, for the sake of argument.

Favourite Elder Scrolls Game - Oblivion ... for now.
Most prominent Elder Scrolls memory or experience - The first time I entered Dagon's realm. I hated it at first, I was terrified of every noise and corner and just wanted out. I finished those levels as quickly as possible, and didn't level up for the duration of the Main Quest so the monsters didn't get stronger as well. I refused to finish Kvatch without someone else in the room. I still have this lingering anxiety whenever I go through an Oblivion Gate.
And additionally, describe the day you joined the UESP. Why did you join? Any memories that stick out from that day? I joined because back in 2009 I had a strange urge to sign up to some more forums and tried to find an Elder Scrolls one where I would fit in. I decided to check whether or not the UESP Wiki had a forum and, well, it did. So here I am. Lasting memory? I remember being really happy when the first person (King Acunasti) welcomed me here.

Is Avron REALLY a Sload? - She's really very beautiful. Even for a Sload.
Do you have to perform the Black Sacrament to get the mods to contact you to become one of them? - I don't remember doing that, but I was quite drunk the day before I got the invitation so who knows.
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - Oh be quiet.

Which forum members do you ship? For example, Cam/Mrs. T, Weasel/Chaos.... Kalle/Lyra/Fluttershy

Do you love me? B3 - <3

What is a good question? - A friend of mine who went to University for a medical interview said they asked him 'what is an idea?' and another guy got asked 'do you think you're clever?'. Either of those float your boat?
Favorite movie? - 2001: A Space Oddyssey
Elderscrolls game? - Oblivion
Color? - Purple
Role model? - Norman Foster, the architect

Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life? - I think I'd find the games more fun if I had to wait until Christmas for them or buy them myself. I may do it anyway just for fun.
What makes this Mod team so awesome? - We have a real mix of characters. Passive-aggressive Avron, aggressive-aggressive Cam, insane Nanza, level-headed Scoz, the lovely General, rock-steady Matt and of course, myself, the temperamental one. We have someone for every situation, and I think that's why we work.
Why did you decide to join UESP? - See above. I thought this question would come up a lot.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor? - Sort of. Is it intentional? I never did any real dungeon diving in Morrowind.
What is your favorite TES race? - Breton. I'm a big fan of making characters that look like me, and that's most easily done with a Breton.
What is the meaning of life and everything? - My serious answer here would be to live. Don't worry about there being some pre-defined purpose. I reckon our purpose is to find our own purpose, if you see what I mean.
^If so, then what is 56+43? - 99
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate? - Pale skin, snotty expression. You must be a Breton.

Knight Captain Kerr:
Who would win in a fight a bear or a shark? - Bears don't swim too well, do they?
If the early bird catches the worm, then why do good things come to those who wait? - It takes the fat, juicy worms longer to get to the surface, by which point the early birds have been and gone.

Wanna buy a watch? - Got one, thanks.
And is it fun to be a mod? Why? - Kind of. It's difficult having to be stern because I only do calm and patient or overboard blowing-my-top angry, but I manage. But I enjoy leading things, it's something I also try and do a lot in real life. It's much the same in a virtual context - if you win people's respect by means other than being in charge then it's easier to lead and set an example because people care what you have to say. I like to think I've done that over the last year.
Are non-mods allowed to answer [Cam's] question? - Only the mods will survive giving an answer. Best not to.
Why does Mai'q not have a stick of fishies? - I don't know. It seems a bit weird, given that he's kind of the series' mascot.
Who's on first? - I don't give a darn.
Can I be the official Forum Sappy Music Guy? - Depends on what sappy means.

What other mod could you take in a fight, and why? - Nanza, he'd probably be sick with some disease so he'd be a pushover.
Where do you get off? - After the boss fight at Citadel 17
Yes or no? - Maybe. I don't know. Could you repeat the question?
Will you answer this question? -
What was that? - What was what?
Will you get the door? - Was that what that was?
Where are my keys? - I dunno, but you need them because the door's locked.
Did you answer any of these questions honestly, and if not, which ones? - The one about not answering the question, or answering it, which I did not not did do.
Which user is your favorite? - Velothi, because he's the only one who knows what he's talking about.
You must cross a fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken across a river. You can only take one of your burdens across at once. If you leave the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain. If you leave the chicken alone with the fox, it will eat the chicken. How do you proceed? - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoxChickenGrainPuzzle
Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? - 'Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.' It's a fundamental property. You can't define it using things in our world because they are defined using time itself. You end up in a logic loop. So it's one of the most 'correct' things I know of.
Hello? Is anyone there? - That's the door again, stop distracting me with these questions.
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us? - My shoe size is UK 12.

Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists. - Oh gawd. Two Steps From Hell, Gary Numan (and Tubeway Army), Parov Stelar, Depeche Mode, Fatboy Slim.

If you could can choose an animal that you can commit a full-on genocide on, which animal would it be? - The wasp. And I don't want to hear any arguments about how they're 'necessary'. They can just die. All of them.

Am I funny? - Kind of.
What is better? Home cooked dinner or restaurant? - Restaurant. I know that some stranger has slaved away to make it, rather than me or someone else at the table, so we're all enjoying it more.
What do you do for fun? - Sports-wise, swimming, archery and smallbore rifle shooting are the main ones that I compete in. Outside of that I occasionally go hiking, orienteering and spend entirely too much time behind the controls of video editing programs.

Do you spam in the Mod forum? - No, in fact I probably don't post in there enough. Usually it's to offer my opinion on something, but since Skyrim came out a lot of talk has been about a subforum I won't go into.
Have you ever neglected any of your duties? (Eg. Ignored a spambot because you just couldn't be bothered to ban it?) - Yeah, all the time.
Which is that one book that you will always read again and again? - World War Z, by Max Brooks. The classics come and go, but that piece of pop culture shall forever be mine.
Do you poop rainbows? - No.
Do you vomit rainbows? - Occasionally.
Are you in any other disgusting way affiliated with rainbows? - My left humerus is coloured like a rainbow.
What is your general stance on rainbows? - Used to think they were gay, now I love them more than is healthy.

Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo? - I find this an interesting question, because at the end of that day it doesn't really matter. Considering that if Lucas had his way, Han Solo would have been Greedo, there are bigger fish to fry than whether he shot his own easter egg or not.

What is your name? - Tom. Nice to meet you.
What is your quest? - Current active quests are 'A Rat Problem' on Oblivion and 'Telvanni Agents' on Morrwind.
What is your favorite color? - Purple. Did I answer this already?
What's the one thing you wish members on the forums knew about being a moderator? - That decisions don't happen overnight. We have to wait for a set of opinions on the matter and we're just as busy as you. Also that we can't bend over backwards to fulfil every wish. We've kept so many people happy with what we have that changing it will make some very unhappy.
What is your one hope for the UESP forums? - Don't go changin'
Boxers or briefs? - Boxers
We're going on a date! (Lucky duck, you!) Where do we go and, most importantly, what are we eating?! - We're going ice skating, and then we're having Mexican.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European?

"All right people, we created this multi-billion dollar facility under Cheyenne Mountain so that we can use this thing. Anyone know how?"

 Post subject: Re: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:47 pm 
Modern Major General
Modern Major General
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How did you become a mod. Avron PM'd me one day. Was quite the shock, actually.
Cats or dogs. Dogs all the way.

Favourite ex-mod? Leilah. I'm a sucker for food.

Favourite ES game? Skyrim. Maybe it would be Morrowind if it weren't for my wasted youth.
Prominent ES memory? Well, emerging from IC's sewers for the first time. Gosh.
First day: Rediscovering Oblivion after a year and wanting to play it properly.

Sloady McSload-Sload:
Is Avron a sload? Maybe.
Sacrament? I had to eat a garbage bag full of pinecones.
Woodchuck? None. You asked if it could chuck wood, not chucks.

Rose of Sithis:
Memer I ship? Cam/Mrs T. Great fun.

Do I love you? Yes, yes i do. Schmooky wookums!

What's a good question? That's a good question.. I'll have to think about i- wait a minute, that's it!

Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life? Nope.
What makes this Mod team so awesome? The way we combine our powers to become a Mod-mecha in a minute-long transformation sequence.
Why did you decide to join UESP? Had questions about Oblivion and couldn't find the way out.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor? It totally does.
What is your favorite TES race? Argonians, duh.
What is the meaning of life and everything? Pi.
^If so, then what is 56+43? 99
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate? Drunken stupid Nords.

Wanna buy a watch? Mine is still functional, so no.

What other mod could you take in a fight? Matt. I'm used to handling angry dogs.
Nonsense: You're silly.
Which user is your favorite? I.. Don't.. Know! You're all so enjoyable!
Logic question: kill the fox first.
Is the concept of time correct? Idunno.
Hello? Is anyone there? I'm in your attic.
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us? I once gave birth to a robot... You know, by taking it out of the box and assembling it according to the manual.

Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists. Too hard! Pass.

Animal genocide? Plankton. For the heck of it.

Homecooked beats restaurant everyday.
I make noices.

Spam in mod forum? Yes. Lots and lots of it.
Neglected duties? Only if I'm logging in from school during a lesson.
Books? The Farseer trilogy.

Shot first? Sure, why not.

Avron the N'wah:
My name is Argonanza.
My quest is to become the best there ever was.
My favourite colour is blue.
I wish they'd realize we're members like they are, damnit! Now drop and give me fifty!
I hope these forums will go to infinity and BEYOND!
I'd take you home and serve you homemade pancakes that'd knock your tongue off its hinges and into a neighbouring universe.
The velocity of an unladen swallow is 10m/s.

The Tom:
Norway/Finland? Yay.

I made a fakémon name generator because I was bored

 Post subject: Re: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:59 pm 
Grand Master
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I’ll have you all know this is 5 pages in Word…without the double spacing. Whew - lots of fun, though! :P

How did you become a mod.
I was asked by Andere to become a part of the team, and I was so humbled I accepted. There was nothing special to it. They thought that the team could use someone who was a little less warrior and more love, so they brought me on to hand out hugs and cookies to everyone. Obviously they’re regretting it now. (Just kidding!) It was a great experience and I’m always proud and grateful that they invited me on board.
Cats or dogs.
Cats! I am a loyal follower of Caturday as well.
Do you have a list of all mods, past and present... and future!
I know all past moderators, only because I keep in touch with a few. No one knows future moderators. Despite what you think, the selection process is grueling!

All: Favorite Ex Mod?
I don’t have a favorite (that would be mean). Everyone was great for their own reasons!

favourite Elder Scrolls Game, along with your most prominent Elder Scrolls memory or experience.
My favorite game…well, I like them all for different reasons, but I think Morrowind is still my fondest one. It was my first exposure to the series, and the quest just instantly hooked me; it was unlike anything I had played before, and I’ve played a lot of video games in my day, let me tell you! My most prominent Elder Scrolls memory is riding on horseback through Cyrodiil. Morrowind made me love the game, but that beautiful landscape, with the White Gold Tower shimmering in the distance – that was where I said, “Yeah, I’m a fan.”
And additionally, describe the day you joined the UESP. Why did you join? Any memories that stick out from that day?
Well actually, believe it or not, I originally joined the forums because I wanted to get information about the lore for a story I was composing…but I stuck around because I realized the place was great and the people were really nice. At the time I was playing through Oblivion. I remember everything about that day, and that time. I was a college graduate, unemployed by the economy, a little bummed out, and stuck home alone…so I figured I would find some good conversations to enjoy. Who could have known how special this place would become to me? I never regret the day.

Is Avron REALLY a Sload?
She knows much, tells some, and that’s all I’m sayin’ about it.
Do you have to perform the Black Sacrament to get the mods to contact you to become one of them?
Well, when the hotline fails, we get together and have Turkish coffee. When you are done, you turn you cup over and let the last muddy bits run down, and when they’ve dried you turn it over and read your fortune. From there, the names of members to invite to our ranks are suggested. Afterwards you must do ridiculous things, hop on one foot, and go around the world in 5 days to be included. But only if the Elder Turkeys say so.
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Exactly 17.8 chucks. I’ve recorded it.

Rose of sithis:
Which forum members do you ship? For example, Cam/Mrs. T, Weasel/Chaos....
Avron/Tourist. Wait…

Do you love me? B3
Only on days that end with Y!

what is a good question?
The ones that elicit good answers.
Favorite movie?
I’m not quite the movie type, but I really love old black and white Godzilla movies and kung fu.
Elderscrolls game?
Green…but pink grew on me, I admit it!
Role model?
I don’t have a role model. I believe that we each forge our own destiny, and that eventually we deviate from the footsteps of those we look up to in order to forge our own path.

Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life?
Heck no! Weird names suck – take it from me.
What makes this Mod team so awesome?
We are a big and unique team. Everyone has a different style of moderating and different things they concentrate on, and in the end they all come together to make something that’s great. Everyone is also a very good sport. I mean, they put up with me, and that’s not easy!
Why did you decide to join UESP?
I was seeking nirvana.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor?
What dialect do you want me to answer in?
What is your favorite TES race?
The Bosmer. I just like rootin’ for the little guy – but I never play one, I admit it!
What is the meaning of life and everything?
A fraction less than 42.
^If so, then what is 56+43?
Trick question – I ain’t doin’ no math!
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate?
That Imperials are boring. Imperials are awesome! They’re a big source of a lot of our in game lore and current events.

Knight captain:
Who would win in a fight a bear or a shark?
Shark. Once the bear gets stuck in the water and in that thing’s jaws, it’s game over!
If the early bird catches the worm, then why do good things come to those who wait?
It’s easier to fill your plate at breakfast when you’re the first one there, but you’re bound to miss the best desserts if you fill up too soon.


Wanna buy a watch?
Only if it’s submersible up to 50 feet and doesn’t need to be wound.
Why does Mai'q not have a stick of fishies?
Because Mai’q was too busy chasing dragons in Vvardenfell and looking for the Colovian Fur Helm in Cyrodiil to get one. Poor Mai’q.
Who's on first?
He is. What’s on second.
Can I be the official Forum Sappy Music Guy?
Only if you give everyone a bouquet of flowers every time you break into song.
And is it fun to be a mod? Why?
Absolutely! As a moderator you have an extra excuse to get to know everyone, and that’s half the fun. There are so many great people here!

All: What other mod could you take in a fight, and why?
As the short girly one, I think I’m pretty outnumbered – but I think I can take them all by starting to cry and having them drop their guard. Suckers!
Where do you get off?
At the end of Zone 1, where I wait for the next bus. It’s always late.
Yes or no?
Will you answer this question?
I see what you did there.
What was that?
Oh, nothing. Just plucking a few wires in your head. Ignore the man behind the pliers!
Will you get the door?
What do you think my butler is for?
Where are my keys?
Oh…those were your keys? Oops.
Did you answer any of these questions honestly, and if not, which ones?
Why would I ever lie to you, snookums?
Which user is your favorite?
I don’t have a favorite. I love you all equally. But since there’s so many of you, the love had to be divided up really, really, really tiny. Sorry about that.
You must cross a fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken across a river. You can only take one of your burdens across at once. If you leave the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain. If you leave the chicken alone with the fox, it will eat the chicken. How do you proceed?
I proceed by saying that this is entirely too complicated and just go to the nearest grocery store to get what I need.
Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant?
It’s a manmade concept. Time varies throughout space. Once time was relevant; they had different time in New York than Boston than Chicago, for instance. In fact, time was only made uniform and constant in the U.S. after railroads started to become so popular, particularly the Pennsylvanian Railroad. Yeah. Bet you didn’t know that, did ya?
Hello? Is anyone there?
*doesn’t move so turrent doesn’t get me*
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us?
I sleep with a stuffed animal, and I never wear my glasses.

Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists.
This changes frequently, but at the moment:
1) Barenaked Ladies
2) Pink Martini
3) The Guggenheim Grotto
4) The Eagles
5) David Bowie

If you could can choose an animal that you can commit a full-on genocide on, which animal would it be?
Mosquitos. God damn mosquitos, man!

Dark Lord Cam:
Am I funny?
Yes, but don’t worry – looks aren’t everything, sweetheart.
What is better? Home cooked dinner or restaurant?
Home cooked, always. It’s more special and intimate, and preparing it with a loved one is half the fun.
What do you do for fun?
I’m not allowed to have fun. It’s in the contract I signed. …okay, just kidding. I like to be outdoors, but in the winter I spend a lot of time reading and drawing because it’s dark so early and much too cold!
It's UESP's birthday and you only have a roll of silver tape, a can of spray cream and some forks, how do you construct the epic birthday cake?
Silver tape for the base, spray…cream all over it (what is spray cream, you sicko?), and forks for candles. Ta-da!
Should Dark Lord kill Mucro?
Well, he’s got to kill somebody…

Do you spam in the Mod forum?
Yes… All. The. Time. In fact, if you could look at it, you would see that my name is in 87% of the far right side. (I’m sorry, everyone, but I love you!)
Have you ever neglected any of your duties? (Eg. Ignored a spambot because you just couldn't be bothered to ban it?)
No. Sometimes, if there is something that isn’t very important (like a non-essential report to review) and I can’t have an opinion, I may leave it for another moderator, but only if I feel I have done too much. We all share the burden, and we all do different things, so no one really “neglects” anything.
Which is that one book that you will always read again and again?
It’s a tie between The Picture of Dorian Gray and Cat’s Cradle.

Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?
Han Solo, without a doubt..

My questions (abridged, for giggles):
What is your name?
Arthur, King of the Britains!
What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail!
What is your favorite color?
What's the one thing you wish members on the forums knew about being a moderator?
That it isn’t easy, and it’s more than just spamming the forums with thousands of posts. You have to be able to not only come up with new ideas but also see them through to the finish, which is where most people fail. It’s the one position where you have to be a bad guy and a good guy all in one. No one is ever completely satisfied with you despite not knowing how hard you work to help promote the community. In the end, all we want is for the most people possible to have a great time, and that isn’t always easily attainable. It’s easy to judge, but not so easy to do it yourself.
What is your one hope for the UESP forums?
That those who come here have a great time and make a few friends.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?

Linguistics - yay or nay?
Nay. Ya’ll know I hate linguistics, man.


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

Find the S'wit:
ESO PC-NA: @Avron | Legends: nosoundcomes

 Post subject: Re: Interview Replies!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:42 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:15 am
Posts: 450
Status: Watching. Always Watching.
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How did you become a mod? Intimate favors for Caz.
Cats or dogs. Catdog.

All: Favorite Ex Mod? Mrs.T

I've got what I think is a good one actually, favourite Elder Scrolls Game, along with your most prominent Elder Scrolls memory or experience. And additionally, describe the day you joined the UESP. Why did you join? Any memories that stick out from that day?
Skyrim, killing off Alduin with a finishing move animation. I joined because of a bug in Oblivion. I remember being an awkward and lonely noob.

Is Avron REALLY a Sload? No, she's much worse. A Jersey girl.
Do you have to perform the Black Sacrament to get the mods to contact you to become one of them? If you want to. No guarantees.
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 3. He's a lazy woodchuck.

Rosey O'Sithis
Which forum members do you ship? For example, Cam/Mrs. T, Weasel/Chaos.... I ship: Cam/Mrs.T, Cam/Avron, Cam/Cam Spiny/Frostmage AKB/Google bot, Avron/Ratwar, Avron/ UESP

@All: Do you love me? Nope.

Hmm, what is a good question? What?

Addicted to Morrowind:
Would you name your son or daughter "Dovahkiin" if you got free TES games for the rest of your life? Hell to the no.
What makes this Mod team so awesome? Wizards?
Why did you decide to join UESP? I was a noob.
Does Kora-Dur sound like corridor? Yes.
What is your favorite TES race? Imperial.
What is the meaning of life and everything? Sean Connery
^If so, then what is 56+43? A number
What common stereotypes of TES races do you hate? Spiney Joke.

Capitan Kerr
Who would win in a fight a bear or a shark? If the bear were on land, the shark would suffocate. If the shark were in the ocean, the bear would drown. Therefore, I propose we arm the shark with a heat seeking missile and give the bear a harpoon. When they fight, the harpoon will hit the shark in the eye causing the missile to trigger and go after the bear then they would... In the end, they all die because Global Warming.
If the early bird catches the worm, then why do good things come to those who wait? Because the patient ones wait for the early bird to be distracted before they strike. Easy meal.

Wanna buy a watch? Wanna give it to me for free?
And is it fun to be a mod? Why? Fun? Where?!!?

Zeroc Again:
Create an effigy of the intended victim yourself, assembled from actual body parts forum inside jokes, including a heart fried rat, skull Zombie's vodka, bones fish-sticks and flesh ponies. Encircle that effigy with candles "ice cream".

The ritual itself must then commence. Proceed to stab the effigy repeatedly with a dagger Weasel rubbed with the petals of a Nightshade plant Chaos, while whispering this plea:
Sweet Mother Avron, sweet Mother Nanza, send your child Dark Lord unto me, for the sins of the unworthy spambots must be baptized in blood Pink and fear Green."
I did all of that and got a T-shirt for the trouble. Damned admins...

And now for the basic questions.
Favorite movie? Stranger than Fiction
Elderscrolls game? Skyrim
Color? Blue
Role model? The Tenth Doctor

All: What other mod could you take in a fight, and why? Avron. I would surprise her with a game of Twister. Some sort of Victory is assured in my defeat.
Where do you get off? I'm not talking to you about my personal habits!
Yes or no? Maybe.
Will you answer this question?
What was that? A blank space.
Will you get the door? No one knocked.
Where are my keys? In your belly.
Did you answer any of these questions honestly, and if not, which ones? They are all honest. I swear. Or do I?
Which user is your favorite? Tron
You must cross a fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken across a river. You can only take one of your burdens across at once. If you leave the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain. If you leave the chicken alone with the fox, it will eat the chicken. How do you proceed? I first eat the chicken, then I cross with the fox and return for the grain. The chicken will return shortly.
Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? Ask yourself, what is time? Do I have any of it? If so, do your homework you lazy teenager.
Hello? Is anyone there? Right behind you.
What is the greatest secret you're willing to share with us? I've had two online relationships with former members of the UESP. I'm not telling you who they are.

Name your five favorite musical groups/musical artists.
Hansi Kürsch

If you could can choose an animal that you can commit a full-on genocide on, which animal would it be? Bed bugs.

Do you spam in the Mod forum? Oh... yes.
Have you ever neglected any of your duties? (Eg. Ignored a spambot because you just couldn't be bothered to ban it?) Once, when I had a fever.
Which is that one book that you will always read again and again? On Writing

Why does Mai'q not have a stick of fishies? Being a cat, he ate it.

Who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo? George Lucas. /Smartass

Who's on first? Rusty the janitor.

Jersey Princess:
What is your name? Christopher Yovanni Amador
What is your quest? Success as a novelist
What is your favorite color? Again? It's blue you forgetful punks.
What's the one thing you wish members on the forums knew about being a moderator? We love you.
What is your one hope for the UESP forums? That you all grow up...
Boxers or briefs? Sexy, sexy boxers.
We're going on a date! (Lucky duck, you!) Where do we go and, most importantly, what are we eating?! I take you to the beach. I have purchased a couple of glasses, a bottle of some nice wine, and I've made us both a nice and delicious shrimp cocktail. We stay there until sundown, then we return to your home, and like a gentleman, I kiss your cheek and return home until our next date.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? As fast as the rock I throw at it.

Tommy Sosa:
Cam: NaNoWriMo - yay or nay? Yenay.

It's UESP's birthday and you only have a roll of silver tape, a can of spray cream and some forks, how do you construct the epic birthday cake? I first create a tiny box of silver tape, then I fill it to the rim with cream and stick forks inside. Voila!

Pom Pom C:
Do you have a list of all mods, past and present... and future! Yes.

Should Dark Lord kill Mucro? Absolutely.

Can I be the official Forum Sappy Music Guy? Absolutely not.

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