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Thanks for the wiki!

Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:32 am

Hello all!

I just wanted to say thanks for providing the USEP Wiki.

I started my first playthrough, ever, of Skyrim in December 2019. Early on I decided that I would give myself "one Google a night" if I got stuck. A lot of the time, those searches led me to the wiki, and it was helpful in getting me unstuck many times.

Later on in my game, I decided to go for Platinum (all the other trophies), and I followed the wiki more closely as I played. I didn't realize that the radiant Thieves Guild jobs from Delvin and Vex were building towards the One with the Shadows trophy until I read it on the wiki. There were also a few quests that I had started but not yet finished, and the wiki helped me complete those. (For example, I found 19 of the stones of Barenziah on my own, but I followed the guide on the wiki to find the other five and finish it.)

The absolute best thing I found out from the wiki was how to get both the Ring of Hircine and the Savior's Hide from Ill Met by Moonlight. I had missed getting one of the Daedric items from an earlier quest, and by sheer dumb luck, Ill Met by Moonlight was the last Daedric quest I hadn't done. Getting both items allowed me to get the Oblivion Walker trophy, which in turn allowed me to get Platinum for the base game.

I eventually got brave enough to edit it myself. I was able to confirm a couple of bugs, fix some minor grammar things, add some details, and rework a couple of parts of the existing walkthroughs.

I realize it's been edited by hundreds if not thousands of dollars to send everywhere people over the years, and not everyone who has edited it will read the forums. But I felt like I should say "thanks", so here it is. :)

Re: Thanks for the wiki!

Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:05 pm

Thanks for reading! Glad to hear you decided to help out with editing, every edit counts.
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