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Bring back Oblivion Orcs! Orcs have been ignored for too lon

Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:08 am

I miss the jolly blood crazed savages from Oblivion. I liked how in Oblivion Orcs were integrated into society; owning shops, socializing in town/taverns, even having lordships in Cyrodiil. In Skyrim the serious clan structure addition was lazy imo and did the lore a disservice. Even the Armor/weapons were a downgrade. Orcs are supposed to be the best smiths but their weapons look like a jagged pos in Skyrim. In Oblivion the Orcish armor was unique and had intricate carvings which seemed to come from a more advanced culture rather than a bunch of hut dwelling savages. If ES6 is set in Hammerfell then they had better expand on lore and show the Orcs some love. I feel like Orcs are probably the most ignored race in terms of lore, fitting considering their name translates to Pariah Folk. tweakbox

Re: Bring back Oblivion Orcs! Orcs have been ignored for too

Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:24 pm


- you are comparing Oblivion and Skyrim, in ESO subforum. Are you sure you are in the good place ?

- Oblivion is set in Cyrodiil around 3E 433, Skyrim is about 4 E201. While Imperials try to gather all races in the center of Tamriel, thus having strong Orc figures, the Nords of Skyrim don't have the same policy. Orcs were not so represented in Morrowind, either, which is consistent with the lore too.

- ESO had a rather good Orc-dedicated DLC in Wrothgar/Orsinium, you may like that.

Re: Bring back Oblivion Orcs! Orcs have been ignored for too

Sat Mar 07, 2020 7:57 pm

RSP MerguezMan wrote:ESO had a rather good Orc-dedicated DLC in Wrothgar/Orsinium, you may like that.

^This. ESO has the most civilised Orcs in the entire series.
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