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Skyrim-related question

Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:42 pm

I just wanted to say I miss visiting the UESP chatrooms (Nice people in there. :) ) and I have a Skyrim-related question (for anyone who CAN help me out) : My build is an Altmer (normal combat AND Mage - the mage part is what I'm working on.) and the Wiki says I can use HOODED Thalmor Robes, but one problem is - what OTHER articles of clothing or which side does a high elf DAGGER need to be on so I won't be suspected of being a spy ? Also, whenever I get to the guard who is overlooking the door to Elenwen's Solar, would it help if I were to use a Speechcraft potion right before I try and convince the guard to let me in ? After that I know I'll be caught so I plan to just whoop the rest of 'em, LOL. Thank you to anyone who can assist me. :)
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