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Need help in regards to ESO..

Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:02 pm

Alright so around black friday, i bought ESO which came along with Elsweyr, morrowind and such for a very low price including PS Plus.. So i played it for a few weeks, then eventually i actually got tired to the point its just dusting on my ps4 library. After seeing the new expansion trailer, it made me look back on where or what am i actually doing wrong that i eventually got tired from playing ESO. I havent actually reached mid or endgame actually.. im a fan of the elder scrolls franchise which got me to try it out now im just stuck on the thought on what should i do with ESO.

Re: Need help in regards to ESO..

Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:26 am

If you don't want to play then don't play it. It is normal to get tired of playing a certain game even ESO.

Re: Need help in regards to ESO..

Sat Mar 07, 2020 7:30 pm

Uninstall it if you aren't playing it, it's a huge download.

Otherwise, git gud and reach endgame - you might find you enjoy it.
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