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Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:46 pm


YouTube Link

It’s 2011 and seven boys have just been brought together to start the journey of a lifetime; the journey to stardom! They must overcome the challenges of the Korean Idol world, from training to tours.

Each player will play as one of the members of BTS. Because of this, only 7 people can join. If more people want to join, tough luck.

Each member has different skills. These will come in handy while facing challenges (they give you bonuses to rolls).

Although this is based off real-life BTS, take it in whatever direction you want! Anything can happen!



Real Name: Kim Nam Joon
Position: Main Rapper, Leader
Skills: Intelligence, Responsibility

Real Name: Kim Seok Jin
Position: Vocalist, Visual
Skills: Cooking, Charming good looks

Real Name: Min Yoon Gi
Position: Lead Rapper
Skills: Lyric-writing, Experience on the streets

Real Name: Jung Ho Seok
Position: Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist
Skills: Flexibility, Positivity

Real Name: Park Ji Min
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Skills: Strength, Is cute and small

Real Name: Kim Tae Hyung
Position: Vocalist, 2nd Visual
Skills: Photography, Charisma

Real Name: Jeon Jeong-guk
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper, Center, Maknae
Skills: Athletic, Good skin care


Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:55 pm

Dibs on Jin. :wink:

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:55 pm

OMG! Cass this is the best. ^_^

Reminds me of when I played Yubin in Wonder Girls campaign. Unfortunately the game fell apart at the start of last year. :( Totally picking Jungkook.

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:07 pm

This is amazing. Of course, being April 1st, I have my doubts about how real it is; but I call Suga because blue hair.

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:10 pm

No, I am holding Cass acxountable if she tries to take this away from us! She can be a DM! I believe in her!!

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:24 pm

Oooo, cool, Cass! Bagsy V!

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:53 pm

Good to know there’s so much interest! Quizzes will be sent out shortly.

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:07 am

Waiting Room, BigHit Building

It's 5 minutes to 8:00 in the morning, and you sit nervously in the wooden chair. 5 minutes until you meet the people you'll be living and working with for... well, years, hopefully. Depends on how well the people like you.

Speaking of people, looking around the room you see 6 other boys sitting with various family members. Could these possibly be the ones you're scheduled to meet?

The clock counts out the seconds.

Alright, everyone. Get ready to be shocked.:

Yes, this was just a joke. Sad but true. I do think DMing sounds like fun (once I'm older and perhaps better at writing), but I wouldn't be caught dead DMing the cringe-fest a BTS RP would be. :lol:
Thank you kindly to everyone who actually followed through and answered quizzes. :lol: Here are everyone's answers and whether they got in (over 90%), in case yous are interested.

Velvet got 100% and answered in just 3 minutes. Star student, amirite?
Velvet (Jin):
1. What is Jin known for?
a) dad jokes
b) impressions
c) falling asleep at bad times

dad jokes.

2. Jin is “Worldwide __”. What’s the word, does he know it, and do you agree? (3 points)

worldwide handsome, he is aware of it (he gave himself the name), and of course I agree!

3. Why do you love Jin? (5 points, essay form)

I love Jin for so many reasons and it's so difficult to narrow it down to 5. However, if I am forced to I might settle on:

He's adorable, his voice is absoloutely angelic, he's an awesome dancer, I think he's the hardest worker of the entire group, and he's just plain hilarious. Like in that episode where they had the cook-off, and he was drinking the hot chocolate and was like 'is this clean' right afterwards. Lol right!?

so if I had to narrow it down to five things that would be it.
Khajiit handed in two quizzes; on the first she got 44% (one point deducted for lateness), and on the second she got 89% (one point deducted for lateness).
Khajiit (Suga) first quiz:
1. Why did Suga swear in that Bangtan Bomb?
a) he burnt his finger
b) someone woke him up
c) Jimin jumped and accidentally landed on him


2. What is Suga’s name when he’s doing his solo work, and how does that relate to Suga? Why is it funny, in that one song? (3 points)

Bob. It's funny in any song it shows up in, because who is really expecting to hear the name Bob in a k-pop song? Also it's the name of everyone's haircut, so how great of a coincidence is that? (I remember his real name name is Min-something-or-other, but his solo name is still definitely Bob)

3. Why do you love Suga? (5 points, essay form)

Suga/Bob is a true inspiration and role model to the world; he is living proof that you can be so lazy you get a nickname for it, and also be a cute world famous boyband star. Also he has colourful hair. Not unlike everyone in k-pop at one point or another. And this is totally how essays are written in.... Canada. That doesn't work so well on you though I suppose.
Aarah got 78% (full points for the essay not because she had 5 good points, but because I liked it :lol: ).
Aarah (V):
1. What is V reading at the beginning of Boy In Luv MV?
a) a road sign
b) a chalkboard
c) a manga

C (edited)
no I meant C

2. What is the name of V’s pet, and what kind of animal is it? Be sure to include your thoughts about him. (3 points)

V's pet is a cat called Sooki. I like Sooki.

3. Why do you love V? (5 points, essay form)

I love V because he is great at photography and has great charisma. He is also a great vocalist and is just as good as the first visual position, even though he's second. His real name is Kim, which rhymes with the word Gym, which is a place where people keep fit and healthy and that is a very good thing to do.
Kerr got 67% (one point deducted for lateness) Sorry Kerr, I lied when I said you were a star student. I'd still let you play Jungkook, though.
Kerr (Jungkook):
1. Jungkook is the __ Maknae
a) Sweetest
b) Golden
c) Sleepy

b) Golden.

2. What animal is Jungkook often compared to, in what Halloween dance practice does he dress up as one, and do you think it’s a fitting comparison? (3 points)

A rabbit, because he has such a giddy personality that's always hopping around and full of fun and excitement. Also he's really fast like a sporty rabbit.

3. Why do you love Jungkook? (5 points, essay form)

I think he's just so cool you know. Like he loves football and music and his raping is really important to the overall band, not to mention his hair or just how cute he looks when he smiles. It's one of those faces that make you feel at ease around a boy. Also he's not as old as some of the oher members and being a youngest child I relate to that a lot.

Re: Superstar: A BTS Roleplay

Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:43 pm

It wasn't real!? This is such surprising news, Cassandra! Just...wow.

Who knew Velvet was such a Jin factbox!
Not sure why you would still let Kerr play Jungkook when they only got 67%. I smell a bribe...

I'm sure you would have made a good DM if this was real.
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