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Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that's happened to you.

Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:16 pm

also any easter eggs you found.

i think the tratior's dairy is funny as heck green Red green :D
Last edited by Gandolf828 on Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:58 pm

I once saw a goblin that was sitting on a chest with a beer in his hand :D
Here is a pic of him
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/6332 ... 388hh1.jpg

Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:18 am

Martin was walking to his seat in Cloud Ruler Temple (Where he usually sits, reading the book and ordering you to get artifacts) and instead of simply turning around the table to sit down, he actually gets on TOP of the table and walks across, knocking some things off the table, got off and sat down like it was no bigge.

My reaction: :shock: Dude? Have you ever heard of: "Walking AROUND a table!?"

Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:22 am

Leaving Bravil once I came upon an archer guard shooting at a bandit. The next thing you know, another archer guard is shooting at the bandit, and hits the other guard. After the bandit was out of the picture the guards went at it. Lucky me, I got to pick up all the free loot! :shock:

Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:25 am

Two guards fighting over a deer one of em killed, when one of em died the other acted like he ddnt give one toss about the man OR the deer he had fought to kill and walked off i was like :P

Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:04 pm

I spotted City-Swimmer stealing something from a begger and thus began a chase all the way to the castle entrance when she got killed. After she died, a Bravil guard stooped down to the body and said: "The body's still warm, there's a killer about."

One time, i was fighting Imperial Guards because i felt like having one, and they sucessfully killed me and one stopped down and said the same thing. I was thinking: o_O;

One time, i was in "The Count's Arms" in Anvil and i shot a Dark Elf in the bar. She ran towards me, missing me, and decided to attack the bar attendant. So now there's a brawl and i'm just standing there laughting to myself. Then, an Anvil guard comes up and joins the fray on the side of the Dark Elf. The poor bar attendant decided to flee, so he takes off. The three of us follow in pursuit. As we were approaching the gate out of the city, the bar attendant was killed. I looted him and talked to a guard and he didn't try to arrest me.

Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:27 pm

I had to kill this old lady on a farm for Lucien Lachance. I nearly killed her in the house, but she took off outside. Shadowmare took off after her and I was running after Shadowmare. She found a guard and shouted, "Assault, Assault!" For some reason her started shooting arrows at her :?: The 3 of us pursued her and the guard shot her with an arrow right in the gut. The end of his arrow stuck out of her back. She fell to her death and I had a clean record :o

Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:42 pm

Kavatch99- the same thing happened to me! He is always stealing from people! LOL!

Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:41 pm

Is City-Swimmer a guy? I'm just asking because he/she is speaking with a female voice. But when she speaks of herself in the third person, she says "he". That's confusing.

Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:00 pm

If you really want to know then you can kill her and i am sure you know what to do after that.

Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:02 pm

Perhaps he has a psycological (?) confusion about his/her/ gender?
But I've also seen City-Swimmer getting killed dead. I was walking down the street, admiring the difference of the cities, when suddenly some lizzard speeds past me with two guards giving chase, screaming and waving about with their swords and bows. I got a complete shock, but thought he was a mob that would randomly sneak into the city (Haden't gotten acustomed to the Argonian names) so i gave chase aswell. He wound up dead on the stair to the 2. floor in the nearby Inn.

Also, when killing in Summitmist Manor, i saw the nord taking a drink after i killed Neville. Suddenly, he spontaneously combustet, and launch several feet into the air. It look awesome :D

Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:37 pm

What about this one then. I almost wet my pants when I heard it.


Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:23 pm

i'm pretty sure an imperial watchman tried to arrest my horse once. :shock:

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:22 pm

Okay, i had just escorted Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple, and (Since i wanted some fun cause i was bored), i attacked Jaffure and caused him to attack me. I turn around and flee the temple.

Jauffre chases me all the way down towards the Imperial City (Yes, he actually went that far) until a Kahjit woman spotted me and gave chase. Now i'm being chased by some random NPC and one ticked off Grandmaster of the Blades. Wolves attack us, but both he and the Kahjit quickly dispatches of them. (Some of them, the NPC disposes of on her own)

As we pass Fort Empire, an Imp attacks us. The Kahjit runs into the fort, apparently deciding to fight the Imps instead. As Jauffree (Yes, he's still with me) chases me further along the road towards the Imperial City (Actually, we're on the road that surrounds the island the Imperial City is located) , i look back and cannot find the Kahjit. I assume she had been killed by the Imps when lo and behold, she appears and begins to give chase once more!

I stopped playing that file (later erased it), but i feel that Jauffree would have chased me all the way to Anvil.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:27 pm

While trying to get up to Dive Rock I walked all the to the temple of the ancestor moths (I was up on side of the mountain) and the rocks sticking out of the wall were floating in mid air!

I heard some random NPC tell me something like "You know, I have a feeling we're going to be very close very soon" and I wanted to respond "You know, I've always wanted a corpse in my basement"

I also moved two dead kvatch guards into an... awkward position.

I'm sure there's a lot funnier ones but I can't remember them. Well,

Guards took care of lousy singing sailors

Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:06 pm

I got [&@%!] off everytime I passed two idiot sailors (Imperial Waterfront), who broke out into song and I couldn't hear the conversations of people around me (you can get quest clues that way some times) over them.

So, I went up to one of them hoping they'd pick a fight with me, and then I could legally defend myself. One of them said (not exact words, but it gets the point across)... "Don't you go on that boat, or you'll get yours!". Well, I took that as a threat so I stepped on the boat and they came after me wacking me with drawn weapons. So, I defended myself, and as I was fighting them two guards saw it and came over and killed both of the sailors for me.

Now, it's peaceful and quiet down by the waterfront... :-)

Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:00 am

I discovered this one quite by accident.

At the spell altar, make a Lightning spell that is strong and has an area effect of 15+ feet. One time I missed an NPC I was aiming this spell at and hit a bar counter, and suddenly half the loose items in the place (plates, silverware, fruit, cups) went flying all around the room. It was hysterical!!! First Edition is also a great place to try this (aim at the bookshelves in front of where the merchant is standing).

This kind of mischief can be especially fun during the effects of an Area Berzerk spell! (Do all this while Chameleoned).

Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:42 am

Possible spoiler here for those that haven't done the Mage's guild quest series yet.

On one of the quests you have to head to some ruins to find an informant that's being hunted by guild battlemages. When you get there, there's only one battlemage remaining.

I soon learned why there's only one remaining. They're not very intelligent hehe. He said something like, "We must hurry, follow me!" And takes off down the stairs into the ruins. He then runs full-on into one of those floor traps that pushes the floor up as if it were a column into a ceiling of spikes. The floor slowly lowers and there's the dead and bloodied battlemage. Idiot hehe.

I nearly squirt drink out of my nose laughing at that series of events. I can still picture it weeks later and it still makes me chuckle.


Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:07 am

I used the console to have the Dark Elf who gives you the letter for the Thieves Guild gain a 2000 bounty. Guards instantly homed in on her, but she escaped.

Another was when i used "CreateFullActorCopy" to clone 5 copies of my character and i attacked the clone, and suddenly, guards, me, and those 5 clones of my character were running all over the Imperial Market District.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:18 pm

Sometimes I will see people walk up to a bench or a chair, and instead of sitting on it, they stand on it.

Also, sometimes when I knock people over with my arrows, they will be laying on the ground and all of a sudden, before they get up, their bodies will fly across the room for no reason!

Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:22 pm

Setting off an area-effect Frenzy spell in the Arcane University is great fun. Watch the resulting guards/mages war. Ooooohhhhh.... I predict a riot! I predict a riot!

Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:48 pm

i almost lost it when i was talking to lord rugdumph. he is such a dumbass it's hilarious

Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:42 pm

I think he's quite funny.

"Proceedeth most urgent-like!"

Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:15 pm

So I walked into Anvil one day and Penniless Olvus walks up to one of the guards and says "A coin for an old beggar?" and I noticed that when he said that, he sounded just like Sean Connery! It was so funny!

Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:48 pm

I don't think Sean Connery would live in Anvil. He'd spend his life walking round the Elven Gardens with a bottle of scotch.
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