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The World of Tamriel - People: C
[the People of Tamriel]
19 February 2011

This page contains a list of famous, and not so famous, people found in the World of Tamriel. This only includes actual individuals, not guilds, orders (see the Guilds and Orders page), names of gods and greater beings (see the Gods and Religions page), or other groups and classes (see the Tamriel Dictionary page). If you have any suggestions, or corrections or additions to this page, just Contact Me.

Cameron, King (3E 368 - 3E 403)
Cameron, King of Sentinel, was born in 3E 368. Husband to Queen Akorithi, father of Aubk-i in 3E 386, Greklith in 3E 392, and Lhotun in 3E 393.

Camoran Anaxemes, King (?b - ?d)
A Bosmer king of Valenwood during the formation of the Aldmeri Dominion in 2E 830.

Camoran Usurper (?b - 3E 267)
During the first few years of King Cephorus II, 3E 249, the Camoran Usurper began his methodical invasion of Tamriel. From out of a nightmare, in the words of Eraintine, the Camoran Usurper (rumoured to be a lich) had led an army of daedra and undead warriors on a rampage through Valenwood, conquering kingdom after kingdom. None could resist his onslaughts, and as month turned to bloody month, fewer even tried. Cephorus II sent more and more mercenaries into Hammerfell to stop the Usurper's northward march, but they were bribed, turned into undead, or slaughtered. In short, the destruction of the forces of the Usurper had little do with efforts of the Emperor. The result was a great regional victory and an increase in hostility toward the seemingly inefficious Empire.

In 3E 253 the Usurper invades and captures the region of Dwynnen and holds it by an army of zombies, ghosts, vampires and skeletons.

The Baron Othrok and his less legendary allies, the rulers of Ykalon, Phrygia, and Kambria, finally ended the Usurper's carnage in 3E 267. News of the Usurper's barbaric treatment of captives and abuse of conquered lands, mostly true, spread rapidly through their territories, and then to their neutral lands. Within a few months, the greatest navy ever combined organized along the High Rock edge of the Iliac Bay. Only the navy of Uriel V's illfated invasion of Akavir was comparable. How the combined forces of High Rock defeated the endless army of the Camoran Usurper is certainly worthy of a lengthy book in itself. And perhaps, it is best left to the public imagination. Certainly the weather worked against the Usurper, which is reason in itself to attribute divine intervention.

Carolyna, Queen (3E 368 - 3E 392)
Queen of Wayrest, wife of King Eadwyre. Mother to Elysana in 3E 389.

Casmyr Kreestrom, (?b - ?d)
A popular author of the early 3rd era.

Cassynder, King (?b - 3E 202)
When Cassynder assumed the throne at the death of his mother, Queen Katariah, in 3E 200, he was already middle-aged. Only half-elven, he aged like a Breton. In fact, he had left the rule of Wayrest to his half-brother Uriel due to poor health. Nevertheless, as the only true blood relation of Pelagius, and thus Tiber, he was pressed into accepting the throne. His rule was a short as he died after only two years on the throne in 3E 202 which was assumed by his half-brother, Uriel Lariat (Uriel IV).

Celarus, Lore Master (?b - ?d)
Leader of the Psijics for 250 years as of 3E 400.

Cephorus I, Emperor (?b - 3E 140)
Son of Emperor Pelagius II, brother to Potema, Magnus, and Antiochus. Was involved in the War of the Red Diamond in 3E 121. After capturing and the subsequent death of Emperor Uriel III in 3E 127 he continued onto the Imperial Palace and was crowned Emperor. Cephorus' reign is marked by nothing but war. By all accounts, he was a kind and intelligent man, but what Tamriel needed was a great warrior, and that he was. It took an additional ten years of constant warfare for him to defeat his sister Potema. Cephorus died in 3E 140, never having a chance to marry.

Cephorus II, Emperor (?b - ?d)
Cephorus II was chosen as emperor by vote of Council, since he was a cousin more closely related to the original Septim line than was King Uriel IV son, Andorak. Cephorus had been a Nordic king of ??. For the first nine years of Cephorus II's reign, those loyal to Andorak battled the Imperial forces.

Of course, Cephorus II had foes that demanded more of his attention than Andorak. "From out of a nightmare", in the words of Eraintine, a man who called himself the Camoran Usurper (rumoured to be a lich) had led an army of daedra and undead warriors on a rampage through Valenwood, conquering kingdom after kingdom. None could resist his onslaughts, and as month turned to bloody month, fewer even tried. Cephorus II sent more and more mercenaries into Hammerfell to stop the Usurper's northward march, but they were bribed, turned into undead, or slaughtered. In short, the destruction of the forces of the Usurper had little do with efforts of the Emperor. The result was a great regional victory and an increase in hostility toward the seemingly inefficious Empire.

Croll Baumoval, (?b - ?d)
Author of the book The Legend of Lovers Lament.

Cuhlecain, Emperor, (?b - 2E 854)
A petty king of the Colovian Estates of Cyrodiil, he attacked and captured the Imperial City to proclaim himself emperor. He was assassinated in 2E 854 by a High Rock nightblade. His death led to the crowning of General Talos (Tiber Septum) and thus the Third Empire of Tamriel.

Cuilean Darnizhaan, (?b - ?d)
Known for saying The power of ignorance can truly shatter mithril like glass.

Cyrus (2E 839 - ?d)
Hero of the rebellion on the Island of Stros M'Kai in 2E 864 along with his sister Iszara. The rebellion crushed the Imperial presence on the island, killing the provisional governor Amiel Richton, and led the way to a peace treaty more favourable to Hammerfell.

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