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Help with information on followers of Azura
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Author:  imbrandonhey [ Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Help with information on followers of Azura

Just to get this out of the way quickly; Reason I'm asking this question is because I'm a player in a DnD Campaign as a Dunmer Cleric who is devout to Azura.

It's a bit tough to roleplay as it's hard to find information on what a good follower of Azura would do. Information such as Tenets, Goals, Beliefs, and just basic do's and don'ts. Does this exist in elder scrolls lore? Aside from sitting outside of a shrine praying then sleeping for years on end.

Really appreciate any information, or even suggestions if there is none. Lore is not my strong suit, but I do love learning about it.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with information on followers of Azura

Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to look at Azura as a deity herself. She boasts wisdom and may be seem as one of the more benevolent daedra(if not a bit vain and egotistical) but a daedra she still is, just as well known for her potential cruelty and ominous frequency to how she always gets her way.

There aren't really a whole lot in detail about her specific worship, especially with that of the dunmer/chimer >_> since she plays a large part in their cultural origins.. Which also shouldn't be too surprising since she seems more interested in the mortal affairs of her worshippers than most Princes(Hence why she's probably popular to the masses) The Tribunal in morrowind only seem to complicate this already mix-mash of a pantheon

As per actual tenets, and the more finer details.. We frankly just don't know. It's still vague and not something commonly explored. Though, I would imagine different cultures/races have different criteria >_> the Dunmer for one, have a long, long history with her. Plus.. Ya know.. Their egotistical and cruel as well.. Hard to say if that's an elf thing or a daedra thing :dur:

But ya, to get straight to the answer, you probably would be fine just having your cleric invoke her name and that of the Tribunal(given the time setting), along with portraying a more wise, knowledgeable persona.. Or at least venerating of said qualities(i.e scholar) It's also up to you if you wanna be more fanatical about it, but it's not necessary, especially for a dunmer

Author:  imbrandonhey [ Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with information on followers of Azura

Hey, I really appreciate it! I figured there wasn't much information on it, so it's nice to hear what people think it would or should be like.

Author:  Imbalance [ Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with information on followers of Azura

Do as the Ashlanders do.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with information on followers of Azura

Bt wouldn't that also mean to forfeit any ties to any of the Great Houses? Sure sure, the old way is great and all, but have you seen the new and exciting way? Ah, so much better. And who wants to put up with all that ash?

Okay :roll: But for real though, playing as an Ashlander/Old Tradition's Cleric has it's charms. Is it different than your typical Dunmer paying respects to their ancestral god? Most likely. But hey, it's D&D session, why sweat the smaller details when you can have fun (And for the record, an Orc Bard is the best bard)

Author:  Secret Magic User [ Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with information on followers of Azura

I don’t know if anyone is still following this, and I’m sure the OP has long since moved past looking for source material, but for anyone who this question is still relevant to should look at the book ‘Invocation of Azura’. It does not get down into specifics regarding rites and prayers, but it does give a good deal of information about what Azura wants of her followers and worship and can serve as a good inspiration for the forming of one’s own role play themes and ideas.

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