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Type Realm
Realm Aurbis
Subregions Nirn
The night sky from Nirn, with Masser and Secunda

The Mundus, also called the Gray Maybe[1] the Mundex Terrene,[2] or the Great Map by the Redguards,[3] is the plane or realm of existence that comprises Nirn, the mortal planet. Mundus is widely believed to be a collaborative construct created by many divine beings, first conceptualized by Lorkhan, who then convinced other et'Ada — specifically the Anuic et'Ada, who became known as the Aedra, and not the Padomaic et'Ada, i.e., the Daedra — to assist him in its construction. Of these et'Ada, Magnus is said to have become the Architect who drew up the plans for Mundus.[4]

Soon after the mortal world had formed, Magnus became disgusted at what Mundus was, and so left for Aetherius, his passage ripping a hole in Oblivion (the realm of the Daedra, which surrounds Mundus and separates it from Aetherius). This rip is viewed as the sun, and is responsible for much of Mundus' magical energy. Most of the et'Ada followed after Magnus, these et'Ada left smaller holes which became the stars, and would come to be known as the Magna Ge. A number of the et'Ada chose to stay with their creation after the departure of Magnus and the Magna-Ge, and work to keep it viable so that it would not die,[5], these spirits would come to be known as the Ehlnofey or Earthbones. Among those Et'Ada who stayed, some would follow the example of Y'ffre, giving themselves to the Mundus fully to stabilize it and form the foundation of it's natural law, and would typically be referred to from that point on as "Earthbones" or "Earth Bones". Others would choose not to give themselves fully but to populate Nirn instead, having to "make children just to last" and this group would from that point typically be referred to as the "Ehlnofey". As the Ehlnofey had children, their offspring would exhibit a gradual change, each consecutive generation was weaker than the one prior, more removed from their progenitors in stature and might, eventually leading to mortal life in it's current form. [6][4][5][UOL 1]

Because of Lorkhan's actions the other et'Ada met at the Direnni Tower (also known as the Adamantine Tower or the Ur-Tower) to discuss the fate of Lorkhan and the Mundus, where Altmeri myth holds Trinimac ripped the Trickster's heart from his chest, which Auri-El then fired into the sea with his bow.[4][5] Its impact rent the earth and created a mighty volcano, now known as Red Mountain. The creation of the landmass that is modern Vvardenfell can be traced to this event.[4] Because Lorkhan's Heart remained on Tamriel, it impregnated Nirn with his spirit and "a reasonable amount of his selfishness", while some sources claim his corpse remained floating above the new planet as the two moons, Masser and Secunda.[7]

The eight planets seen in the night sky of Mundus are named after the Eight Divines and are described as the realms and incarnations of those spirits as seen from Nirn, viewed as spheres due to a visual phenomenon caused by mortal mental stress. .[5][UOL 2]



  • Mundus is the Latin word for "world" or "universe".
  • Imperial scholarship refers to the whole of existence as Supermundus.[1]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.